The Atchison Daily Free Press from Atchison, Kansas (2024)

Oilri, Inintr CIiikk. L. KESBIT. JOE. ROPER, Jit.

LOCAL NOTICES 10,507 56f worth" of all kinds'of new fresh Groceries at Jons M. Crowell A Co's. Cheapest ceiry IHIapxuiste TRADE NORTHERN -KANSAS. WHOLESALE AND Corner Fourth and ATCHISON Hav-just opened a large and well assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, wldch they offer to the public at reduced rates. Call and examine their stock before purchasing.

ap20dAwtf I RETAIL GROCERS, Coiiimercuil Streets, KANSAS. HUTCHINSON LAURENCE, JTo. Dcij Street, X. DEALERS IS EVERT CLASS OP; A II I It Steam Engines and Boilers, Circular Sato Mills, Irn and Wool Working Machinery, Machinist? Tools, Shafting, Etc.y Etc. MILL PLANTATION MACHINERY ROOTS XOS-EXPLOSirE Is OILER.

(The Cheapest and Host Economical now In Also Ilorse-Power, Cotton and Hay Presses, Cotton Gins, Portable Engines. Corn and Wheat Mills, Saw Mills, Improved Steam Packing, Helling, loon, e. Agricultural Implements, With the Latest Improvement. All our ichinery is from makers of reputation and experience, and will be fully guaranteed. fy General Agent for Judson' and other Im proved governors.


Corner Fourth Commercial Sts. A TflTTTRniVr, IT A "MS AS. 7 apUdtf c-i- 0 A. BT11M. e.

w. oiLLtsrta. r. BTux. G.

W. Gillespie SUCCESSORS TO OLIVER DAVIS, Manufacturers and Dealersjin Keep constantly on band all kind, of P.ntfrmirAnH nnil Svpnmnm INi I i e3ECSssCJ E3OEB3 bd at 2. -f. Qi 1 1 1 SB. Pj tr fr -n 5 2.

J- S. 2 kssssl to -g -5 I dtf We regret to learn that tc-day as Dick son Williams was hauliDg a load of wood up the Lill near hia house, bis horses back ed down the hill turning the wagon over and seriously injuring him. Piaso ro Sale A fine Stoddard Piano for rale chean. For information inquire at the residence of N. Goslio, Cth street North Atchison.

ap22dtf R'ucliinchfttn Palace, attempted to be fired by incendiaries, as reported by ou cable dispatches, is situated in London and is one of the residences of Queen Vic toria. The Peak Family. Here is what the Kansas City Bulletin says of this celebrated family This excellent and versatile troupe whose entertainments here attracted th largest audience ever assembled in Frak'; Hall, oerform to-nieht at Wyandotte. Our neighbors will doubtless give a cordial re ception to "yeringers of ye bells." Read this from the Virginia EnterprUe under the heading, "Sugar-Cured Grass hoppers "Such is the sign to be seeii over a larg basket of very suspicious looking dried in sects in front af the store reusier at the cornor of and Taylor streets lhe grasshoppers are said to have bee brought from Salt Lake City, and are fine plump and We fiw a Chinama making a purchase of a pound or two trie insects. Those who are found of crabs and shrimps will soon become equally lond of these nice, fat Salt Lake grasshoppers.

Who! was the enterprising, individual that engaged in the grasshopper curing operation last year. And how much of "goak" is there in it? Andy Johnson bas gone up, but Grocer ies have gone If you don't believe it-call on Robbins'r 1 1 1,000 lbs. Dried Beef just received at i yr ii M. Cboweli. Co s.

A No. 1 Salt Fish at J. M. CaowELi, Jb Co's. Use Star Mills Yeast Powder.

'-Ladies' Misses' and Boy's- slippers, in great variety at dtf John Bemer's." tT you expect to find what, you want at reasonable prices, you" will go to Gard A Newcomb s. j-r New Goods! New Goods! Just received at Gard Uro "Star Mills" Yeast Powders. Wise: -A-gentleman in New Jersey, named Speer, is cultivating the Port grape with signal success, from which an excel lent wine is made, which is better than im ported Port, and has been adopted for me dicinal purposes iu the hospitals of New York, Philadelphia and Washington. tuthAsaAw Pickles by the kit or gallon at Robbins marlOdtf "A large lot of Gentsr late style of Neck Tiesjust received at Gard A Newcomb's Seeds- -in great variety, also garden tools dtf, Faust Goulds. Philadelphia custom, hand made, Ladies' Misses' and Children's lasting, glove kid, goat, kid and frencli calfj congress gaiters, polish boots and balmorals, just received at dtf John Bemer's, Garden, Field and Fewer Seeds just re ceived, a fresh supply, at Gould A Wilbor's Drug Store feb24dAw.

Use Star Mills" Yeast Powder. 100 bbls. Wnite Wheat Flour, St. Louis brands, for sale at J. M.

Crowell A Co's. Fresh sugar-cured Hams, new Mackerel and White Fish and, in fact, everything that is nice and fresh in the Grocery line can be found at Robbins A dtf Thompson's glove fitting Corsets just re ceived at Gard A Newcomb's. Dried Cherries and Blackberries for sale at Al. Ceowell A Co s. Canned Fruits of all kinds at J.

M. Crowell A Co's. Try the Kansas Tonic Bitters. What everybody says must be true, and they all agree that Robbins' is the place to buy Groceries. dtf Drury A Brown are receiving to day an immense quanity of new groceries.

Try Gould A Wilbor's superior Cologne Water. It is equal to any imported and much cheaper. In Brideeton. N. on the evening of the lMh Key.

Jas. M. Cuallim, in the 70th year of his age. The deceased was the fathor of Dr. Win.

L. and Geo. T. Challtss, of this ctty. LL1N E.RY SAND Ladies' 'FurnisMii Goods.

ES. J. UL BEICHENCKER, is pleased Al to inform the Ladies of Atchison and vicinity that she has just returned from, mean, where she has carefully select- ted and purchased a stoqk of jriLLIXEUY, LADIES' FURNISHI7TG GOOD3, NOTIONS, 4c. On Monday the Stock will be open for the inspection of the public, and Mrs. Keichneker respectfully solic its an examination of it.

Particular attention given to Bleaching; and Pre ss- ng. Stamping, plain and fancy Stitching. Latest styles or Dress ana otner patterns, rwlk office of the new and latest improved Leav- itt Sewing Machine in the same rooms. Rooms over Thornburg's Jewelry Store, Commercial street, between Poor aad fifth streets. TJu Place to Get Your Lumber Bill Filled Complete" i- at CUMMINSr ADAMS', i CORNER OF NINTH A COMMERCIAL STREETS.

Go to Cummins a Adams to set your rOTTONWOOD dc PINK LU.WHEH to get your Cottonwood and Pine Laths, si COTTOX VOOIi i AKD PJ2TS SBLKOLS8; to 'jreVy'Sur DooraTSast. nd Blin 's, all at prices as Kts tt'nns ADAMS, Corner of Jiuth and Commercial aufrSldAwly. At Kansas. SIP 70 Acres or (31 FIR SALK. One and a halt mile north-west of Atchison, on Peer Creek.

There is on it a small htoase and Isapimement, 44 nice fruit trees, grafted, some of them bearing; plenty of timber, water, para and rood, tillable land, for making- desirable farm and home. Tims given on part payment. Apply to F. D. HILLS.

Prime cigars at Frink's. CI I A MO. I1.FUKD Ai. 17-. S.

"Water IloaJquarter fir Oils Paint. Varniffh, ilas, and Axle GroftM. Propra Star co. lute LeaiL co. wiij'aiuts on Varnishmt Window Gla chcaportlmti inv houiic in the Xorth-west, to 90 South lCooliiiif 3Cntiiillr.

WBIIT AtKCJc" IMV.tfOM). Pht-l tic Si.ite, Fi It V.m. RtviSng Sheathins: lt. t-onl lir, Piuli. Oil.

1 SV.le t. PI II.E, Groen Jb Re 1 Rooting SLaUs Tlie only in th? Wst a large Ftipply. Practical Slater frml-iicL Wbitaore Raytnond. I jiShUj, St. Ssi.icila--: lliiriliii-i.

BieKMIA.M (iOOUYEAU i HAYES. Coach 5c Saddkry llaniwar. Leather. Hubs, Sjiokes and l'iit carriac work, Sprinirs, Axles Bttlts and malleable Iron, 1M Lakert. HATDKV HAY, 45 Jc 47 Lnke Maimlju-turcrs of dealers in Leather, CHrriag Goods, an-1 Saddlery Hardware.

Moat Slca-iti. C. mtOWSi Manufacturer-. Our Skein are the best and heaviest t.f feml to the trade. Send for illustrated cata logn'.

MUhisrsn Avenue. JL Garden and ieia r.ext S'd Sowers Garden Prill ir ii sKcut-iu corn 4 i- i. Planter. S'Tid Twinn Joi-aIsix. GII.IIKIIT IICHUAItl i Twines Cordage of all d--riptions Cotton Canvas of all 'widths and weights Tents AwiiingsSc covers Tar.

PitcKOakuin, Blocks 2Q' A 207 S. ViingiiryVorlM. PIlVsSIi Pure. Cider-Vincsnr-Warrauted Pure, and to i -it Strong and palatable. Large- works itt lT.

S. Ubli-hed ISIS. C. ti.llPRUSSLNt;, 341 Stute rt. AVtli Ac .1 1 A.

I' II. cor. Randolph and Importer. Manufju-turcr Wholesale Healer in Watches Jewelry, Sil ver and Plated Ware. Agency of tlie National Watch co.

All HiriODi trublrd Ub Cossir.Bc or Cutlet of ll.e to buy Pill; thrf oa-tain no mercury, are urIy and woik like a charm; ran betakes with safety by HriMia all ajres, and in all rndhlti of life. McPike Allen, Agents. QUEEUSUARE iiEiiEiiii mm. WHOLESALE AM) DETAIL UEALta IX QUEENSWARE, (i lass, China it riaknl Ware, Coal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers, LOOKIKG CLASSES, lrOM.I li.f.MTntlM" ei.le AtMton and orther Kat that lie ban tle rt.M..uM-iit of K. K.

and l.e has now ou l.attd a larcv and urtir fl rk if ponds, widen lie ofl.T. to the very lwt pricr. He lasri bis Direct from Europe, lie lias km la this for many i. sal tbrouch a din-ct connrctiua witli the Uif. ruauufac-turrrs In wheen bis fat-r is one.

he ha o- nrilica itciinif u. i w.r and UtKt styles, and at i-icrs slncb enal.le l.iat to srll at the vry luwrct rates. Porchasers will find tlurir orders ttUt-4 and all (roods parked -j that tliere milt k- us ri.k. ol brrakare. Imenihrr, the Wske-'d' old stand, rosa-mercial street, ltween Third and Fourth.

Kansas. apiiou W. H. CULVER i i i Tl 'I I IVnPW'Hl lrilfn. I hill IfTS: a- ul'l" (Permanently in AtchUon, Ks ,) I CE prepared with new and Imtitvwed tnar-tiin-rr to Al.

contract, mrnich and build liridgr of all descrip- unt, consisting of -n't mowe irus3, iresue ana rue also prered to IEIVE I'lLtS, fur MILL DAMS, FOUNDATIONS, AND LEVEE PROTECTIONS. rTDRAFT3. PLAN'S AND ESTIMATE" furaietn for brhlrs when dired Ad Irts.CLLVLUA lt Katioual Ilsfk, Atch-son. Kansas. fcbtdlf illlLLIxVEKV ANU DRESS MAKING.

rf i 118. A. KOKTOX to lof.m the ladWs AI Jl at Atrbiwn. that she bas ok4 ia tlu. j(Vcitya fir.t-cla soilllnrry and Uress Makers establftliment.

t-iie has the New Frencli Methol tuuiu and Children'. CM hine of all kinds. AUilinery, Dress Makiuc and dune to or-Jer. and SAtifaetli.n warranted. ilrr rooms are ortr Uol.r's isddlrjr evtabflsfuoent, JotnniereKI stre, soataside, tk aod snsrSLf A.

MjKTUX. KOltKUT lrnnnir 1 nm rniiT nn ATCHISON, KANSAS, K-rp Land all the Latent sod saott FattiionsMs styles of tOOIW I'OFX!VS WEAK, CO ATI GS, CASSJMEJIES, VBSTIXGS, DOESKJSS, ate. ITe Is prepared to cp in ordr, in th Latest and li-t Mjirs, sll descriptions. Ui work ltnn'4 be saruaMrd forCul ai Quality. lie also bason hand a large stuck of BEA TKR CLOTHS FOR OTERCOA SILK VELVET VEHTIXGS, Mr.

McCrie sslls Sinsle Pattrrns from iis stock ol Good, to tho wk. want to taare Un4r gannecits tul at home. HO. coxtim crroits, Builders and Millers TAKE NOTICE. nATIN'O permanently secared the service of Mr.

Daniel Uoover. a Master Alccidcic. I mm umw prepared to take contract to aU kind of reasonable rate, aod la a m.i"T. JOU' C. BlkD.

sepld3m A'ortk Sid C'. Fifth St, MANLEY SMITH, ANKERS, Corner of Commercial and Fifth ATCHISON, KANSAS FOE ION and Domestic Exchange. Gold and Silver Coin. L'ncnrreot Moo-r. Land Warrants.

mmA elaucs of Government liecuriUc. booght aad sold at market rales. i.t.. i. loaned at reasonable rate oa rood security.

AngaMota, aIg $xtc puss. Dellveredin tUe city bribe Carrier Tor 2iteuU per wets. ATC1II50N, KANSAS, APRIL 22. lfcC8 IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS! rV TllF CHCVLA TION Ot Til FI1KK IKUS JfOltE TUAS IoL'BLE uF ALL olJIEU PAPERS IX Til ECJ i Y. I a tt ry it i a rr rw i r.

if -rr M'tT 4 I 7 jjtjjUJl Local and Miscellaneous. Juilge Spalding, tf Grasshopper Falls' is about to become a resident of this city. lie has purchased the residence of P. Cook, on Fourth street. IliMp Skirts Lloop Skirts! The Bridal l.xrusd 'Reception, a la mcde, and Conibi nution Hoop bliiits, just received at Card Newcomb's.

.1 Ilebbai-d. Treasurer elect of Xeniahft Courr in lhe City yesterday, on. Lis way East, where he designs spen- ding a couple of months. J. f).

Marks proposes to sprinkln the sticet if Atchison during the reason, com mencing itii May and ending with Sep teu.ntr. Mis proposition a ffoof one i and -hould be encouraged by every body. Maj V. F. Downs, Ijiiid Commissioner of the Cenda! Brunch Railroad, yesterilay 8 ild acres of Kickopoo lands.

They were told to thirteen different persons, These lands are rapidly filling up with actual settlei s. Mr. Downs has also received nearly a hundred applications for land3 along the line of the Railroad, beyond the Kk-kapoo Reservation. These lands are not yet ready fur tale, though they soon will b. Fkank Howard, in Graham's Block, two doors tast of lhe Post officet has received and is constantly receiving a fine stock, the latest patterns of dry goods.

AIso, variety goods, carpets, boots and hoes, hats and caps, umbrellas, and everything in his line. Ladies will find his stock'of dry goods and variety goods complete Those carpets are superb, embracing all patterns and colors. Patterns and price to huit every one. Call and examine hi stock and see for yourself. ap20dtf Every Day Sonietli Ins New, At S.

Greenabaum's Ladies' Variety and Millinery Store. Up stairs, remember next to Faust Gould. Just received, by U. S. Express, Laces of ovcry kind, Crochet Trimming of all all kinds, Lace Ha nukei chiefs, good Clnny Lace, Embroidery, Edging and Inserting of all kinds.

A few moro of those 50 cent Hats, and a nice stock of Parasols, can al be found at at Greenabaum's, Up stairs, next to Faust it Gould's The Pbak Family. Wo are pleased, to announce that the celebrated Peak Family are to give two Concerts at Price's Hall commencing on Friday evening, May 1 As vocalist-, harpists and ball-ringers, they present an attraction almost irresistible and wherever they go, ere greeted with crowded houses. They are now making lour of the West for the second time, and the press everywhere speaks of their enter tainments in the highest term9 of 'praise We believe that those who attend will be doubly repaid for the time and money re quired. It is not often that 60 attractive a company cornea to our city A serious accident came near happening to day by the running away of the horse attached to the express wagon of Crowell Co. As the wagon was coming from South Atchison across 4th street bridge some part of the harness gave way, fright thing the horse and causing him to plunge forward, throwing out the driver and also a little boy of Mrs.

T. G. Harres, who hap pened to be in the wagon at the time Neither of the the -two were seriously hurt. The wagon was considerably smashed up and the horse, becomine detached, scam pered to his standing place in front of Crowell store. The confirmation service at the Episco pal church last evening was largely at tended by citizens belonging to the various religious societies in the city, filling the house nearly to its capacity for comfortable accommodation.

We are not certain, but believe this is the first time the rite of can firmation has been administered in this city by Bishop Vail, and the occasion was deemed a fitting one for a short exposition of the scriptural reasons for such an obser vance on the reception of people to mem bership in the church. This was listened to with profound was the entire service. Seven persons were confirmed. Board or Education. Board met at the Council Chamber on Monday evening.

Present: Messrs. Scoville, Smith, Vartin, Ilolthaus. Gillespie and Poehler. In the absence of the Clerk, John A. Martin was appointed Clerk pro tern.

Wm. F. Downs, member of the Beard elect to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Gay lord, appeared, and was bwoin in by the President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The Auditing Committee reported the following bills coirect: Julius Ilolthaus; cash paid for supplies for schools, $7 75; G. W. Gillespie wood. 6 60: L. A Alderson, rank and record books, $2 50.

On motion of Mr. Poehler, they were or dered paid. Mr. Smith offered the following resolu tion: Reached, The President and Clerk of the Board ol Education of Atchison City aie hereby authoiized and directed to draw an order lor the sum of $350, on the City Tieasurer, in favor of L. R.

Elliott in accordance with tho understanding and agreement, made with him when be was appointed to act as agent for this Board in the sale ot School Bonds, as appears ou the record of dale of Feb. 28th, 1868. Such an Order is to be diawn whenever and as often as the sum of $5,600 shall be received from the ale of said Bonds according to the agreement made by this Board, with the National Lroume county Bank, ol Y. under date of April 3d, 1868. Mr.

Downs called for the yeas and nays, which was ordered, and resulted as follows: Yeas Messrs. Smith, Scoville and Gillespie 3.Nays Messrs. Downs, Martin, Ilolthaus and Poehler; 4. So the resolution was lost. Mr.

Smith, from the Committee on School Building, reported two plans for a school house. On motion the Committee were allowed lurtber time. Adjourned. Jajt iUfci't3 very good ladies hoseat 23 cent? a pair linen nanuKcrcnici, at t- ii eaeh iw Ladiea morocco shoes at 1 00 a pair Anl a creat many other article at very low Of white good, such as Nan- aook. Jaconet, embroideries.

Swiss, i hartrlanma hcih.c r.i-,,,14 Doolin. alpaca. Please i -1 aud look at the new ana cneap goous, L. Fmcxo fe Co's at South ftidff" between 3d and 4th-t. apr9dfewtf Tho weather is now grtiins warm, and ladUrf in need of Hats or Spring Bonnet, hould now avail thetiiaelvcH of the oppor lunity to get ono of thoe beautiful Hut Unniict on exhibition at Minebart's Fashion Ba.nar.

Lad its, if you want wm elegant I)res it 'at Theo. Mineharts. You will be perfectly astonished the variety i .1 1 Vi a it 1 1 1 and aiyics, mo above all at the low prices ho sells them. nome. llinebart ims Good have come.

Ladlen, please come and inspect ihrrn. i nf ear- can bu foun.I at Mint-hart's now Carpet i nil i. uiiu 1 llllil. Tlix lino Millinery rovm over Theo. II.

Minehnrt's is now ft-r. Iidii are respect fully invited to examine the latest (styles of Bonnets Hats flowers, tec. J'ltt OysTF.aa Jost received, by Y.x- ores, at Qcioa's. t. Music.

A now installment of desirable ahuet music, just received at Alderson's. (irapes, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Prune, Cranberries, Oranges and Lemons, i i iiti" Wanted. Ten thousand pounds of Cot ton and Linen Rags, for which the highest uiarket price will be paid at deddlf I- VP. Cheap am tub Cheapest 1 At the neat and well-stocked store of Jacob Pouhler, nouth iide of Commercial street, nearly oimosito Manlev Talbott's Bank, the price of good are ltept down to tho low- est llgures. Mr.

Pouhler keeps a fine as sortmcnt of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, (Jueonsware, Mirrors, Glassware, and our readers will find him good uian to deal with. Mr. Pcehlcr don't make a great deal of noise, but ho does sell goods at reasonable prices, nd that is what pleases tho people. fine l.nmbrr. illet fcmi ll, (successors to Mackoy A Scoville,) have on hand a large stock of Fine Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Sash, Doors and Blinds selected with special reference to the wants of this market, which tho.

will sell at the lowest market prices. A iii-ion yard and stable adjoins their lumber yard, wlure fanners can always find good accommodation for their teams. Also, the tvlduated Stiitlibuker, Wuy-mx I kept con stantly on lurid. Yard on Fourth street, j.eaiC U. P.

R. R. Atchison, Deu. 14- tf. CitiAiwt ClCAItsl Gould A Wilborhave just received a fine assortment of cheap Cigars which they will offer to the trade at very low figures.

Call and see them. Con Mkal. Abbott Bartlett keep the best, bolted ready for use. Try it. Tiiev nav Cash for Wheat and Corn.

Fourth street, next to railroad. WoKuaTHAT Bbeatue. Scent your hand kerchief with Phalon's new perfume, "Flor Jh lluyo," fair ladies, and your written I words will breathe even a rarer fragrance than if they had been uttered by your own rosy lips. Sold by all druggists. I have the following brands of family which I will deliver, free of charge, to persons in the city Domestic Mills, St.

Louis, XXX Challenge 'V, XXX Choice, Wonderly Mills.St. Louis, XXX St. Louis XX Franklin Rushvile, Belleville, XXXX Rushville, XXX dec2Hdlf M. Qcioo. The well known dry goods house of M.

(ireenabaum A is ono of tho largest in the city. This firm occupy a very largo room, and keep it well stocked with goods by frequent arrivals from the East. They ell largely at wholesale, and they aiso retail largely. Uur readers will always find attentive clerks at M. Grccna- baum i.

and an excellent assortment of goods. Don't forget this store in making selections. dtf Ion Sale. A certificate of membership in tho Merchants' National Business College and Collegiate School, Chicago. In-quiro at this otlicc.

dtf Gould A Wilbor have just received a fine arliclc of Cologne Water, which they offer lor sale in any quantity and al a reasonable pi ice. Cull and see it I ahuers Attpxtion. For 30 days we will sell Ames long handled shovels at St. Louis prices without freight. dtf Facet A Gould.

Poets have waxed ecstatic over tlie per-tumes of the tropics, but words can give no'idea of them. It you want realize what tropical fragrance really is, you must get Phalon's tFlor De Miyo" the new perfume for the handkerchief, in which its supicme essence is concentrated. Sold by all Wo wish to direct the attention of our readers to the card of Dr. Whittier in another column. Back flies of St.

Louis pa pers prove tho Doctir's" residence, there longer than any to advertising. The writ ings of a Physician whose reputation is Union wide should be worth reading. His pamphlet only costs the postage, six cents. French and eastern made Bonnets, just received and always on band. Ribbons, laces, and millinery goods of all descrip tions, at Mia Anna McDonough's Millinery rooms, north side of Commercial, between 4th and in Sam.

Dickson's store, aprl2dtf. R. L. Hardon 406 and 408 North Fifth street, St: Louis, Jobbers of Dry Goods, offer facilities to buyers for the cauntry trade, which cannot be obtained in any other house. feb281y I Gents French calf and English Lasting, cus om made, congress Gaiters and Oxford Ties, at dtf John Bemer's.

English Breakfast Tea just received at John M. Crowell A Co's. Try the Kansas Tonic Bitters. dAw Abkested. Every persons attention when they call at Faust A Gould's and hear their prices.

dtf Meat Cutters, and Stuffers at less than half price at dtf Faust A Goulds. Use "Star Mills" Yeast Powders. A new and beautiful stock of fancy and staple Hardware. Just received by Faust A Gould. PaoccHE only thk Best.

In a majority of advertised Bitters Important Ingredients, the necessity of which are plainly indicated, arc omitted, because of their high prices in others, the proportions and combinations of the ingredients are in defiance of all settled principles of pharmaceutical chemistry others again, are mere shams, made up of poor whiskey slightly colored in such a manner as todeceev the unwary, and are so nauseating as to be unworthy of criticism, and to thepaitennt the remedy is worse than the disease; while years of experience aud trial have proven r. lio- Sitters to be, just as recommended, one of the best remedies extant, where a sto-maliic tonic and tsttmulant are required. They never fail to strengthen the weak, impart vigor to the strong, and are, in every particular, just what a stomach bitters ought to be. If you have symptoms of Dyspepsia, take them freely to aid digestion. If you reside in bilious districts.

they should be taken as a sire preventation of Bilious Fever, and Fever end Ague, Liver Complaint, Jaon dice, and in all that class of diseasei where there is a general depression of the nervous system, loss of muscular energy, weakness, lassitude, want of appetite, faintness, chilly sensations and aching of the bones, Ac. And, as a remedy for female weekness, Leuchor- Jllf n. Wh tfo Rtfiwm havA rta annul They are prepared with special reference to this com plaint, and act like a charm. A few days' trial will satisfy the most skeptical, of the real merits of this really valuable medicine. Sold by McPike A Allen.

READY liELIEE. The moment Had way's Ready Relief is applied externally, or tak- j. en inwardly, according to direction xxKjux Yitl.iv;v ct utucc, uuctoco TO eXISt. Radway's Ready Relief is inval- l. uauic.

j. i Laii ucustu ivmijwamvc assurance ot clom2: trood ail cases where rain or discomlori. is exue ii -l T.a rienutJU, Of li seizeu Willi XlOarBeneSS, XUlOUS UOllC, innam- maOOn OI TUe JJOWeiS, OtOmacn, Oronrv: Ollinsv: F'fiVPr iind A o-nP -vr -i TT UI Wltil j. euratSnH, lie r( i i rv xvuiuxiv, -c" vx with I.Timhiirrn l-'snn in thf Or KneUmatlSm, Ol Wltil tJnOiera, D- 1 larrliea, OllOlera JiiOrDUS, Or UjS- eniery, or with Burns, Scalds, or or wiui trams, uramps or Spasms, the application of RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF will cure you of the worst of these com plaints in a few hours. Sold by Druggists everywhere.

rice nfty cents per Isottle. DR. RAD WAY' PILLS. COATED WITH SWEET GTJM, PURGE, REGULATE, PURIFY AND VI 1 HDil. FOR THE CURE OF CTPPV1TUPW 11 -r-k- A it c-i i AM I liBordpra ot the Stomnoli.

Taxt- I I er, JjOWeiS, JVianeyS, iiiaaaer, JN erv- OUS Diseases, Headache, ConStina- tion, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Biliousness, Fever, Inflam mation ot the JJowels, Jriles, and all Derangements of the Internal Vis cera. WARS AN TFD TO EFFECT A POSITIVE CUKE. PURELY VEGETABLE. CONTAINING NO MERCURY, MINERALS, OR DELETERIOUS RUGS. Pain in the Side, Chest, Limbs, and budden lushes ot Heat, Uurn ing in the Flesh.

A tew doses ot Kadwat's Jriixs will free the System from 'all of the above named disorders Sold by Druggists and Store-keep ers. rice zo cents per box. RADYVAT fc Xo. 87, Maiden Lane, Y. September 21st, WANTED AGENTS! To seltl he Life or GENERAL GRANT, BT JOIIN S.

C. ABBOTT. THIS work will be Illustrated with three fine steel eneravincs and eight mans, printed in tint, and aud sold only by subscription. Agents will find this a work that will sell itself. The subject, author, and the fine style in which the book wiU be published, cannot fail to insure for it an enormous and rapid sale.

Liberal terms to good agents. Price to suit the times. are now prepared to assign territory. WHITE, UOKU1.N, UOLVE A Publishers, 140 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O. H.

talbott. cm, m. keck TALBOTT RECK, Real Estate Agents ISO CONVEYANCERS, TJUT and sell laiids on commission. Par Taxes fornon JJ residents. Examine and furnish Abstracts to Titles Collections made and City property rented.

Business solicited, and ail inquiries in relation to Real Estate in the West will receive prompt attention. Esay-omne near cor. commercial and ifih streets, Aiwnison, nanaas. apivacvij ATTENTION, CONTRACTORS PEALED prpr, proposals will be received by the under- I Chairman of the Committee on Improve- I kj signed Chai ments of the City Council of the city of Atchison un til Monday evnmg, April 2th, at 4 clock, r. for the building of a PILE BRIOtrK over White Clay creek at Sth street, and for the opening of 5th street.

No bids will be received for excavation and fill where the price charged per cubic yard is more than twenty-five cents. No bids will be received for the wood work where the price charged is more than the Engineer's estimate of the probable cost of the same. Plans and specifications ean be seen at the office of Ths Council reserves the right to reject any and all The whole work to be paid for in General Improve ment Bonds of lbws. Bids most be accompanied with a bond of (500 00. obligating ths bidder to faithfully enter into contract and perform Lhe work, it the contract be awarded him.

It is at the option of the bidder to bid for all cr a part of the work. The excavation and filling and the wood-work can be bid tor separately. GILES B. BUCK, apU4-dtd. Chairman Com.

on Imp. BILL-HEADS printed on short, notice at the Fru Press Office. i I The mercantile houses whose card compose this column are carefully selected from the leading firms in Chicago as those whose extensive operations and wide-spread reputation entitle them to the first rank in commerce. The business cards of these establishments in their several trades have been classified in alphabetical order, forming a comprehensive synopsis of business information, upon which our merchants rciy. Agrkiiiltimil Ini 1

rri lto, lS ub itci I- Jt COCK, Jobbers in Aerieultural lm- plemcnt. I himble skeins. Sa.l Iron. Makers' WnM Stock. 17 S.

AVster St. li.VCi. HAKT, ASTEX 6., lZ South Water Flour Sacks, 'tirooers' Paper Bags, Sonmless Grain Gunnr, Burlap, "NVonl. Ham and Salt Sacks. IIJESTOV KE.I.V 47 Clark Bankers and Dcaleri in Gov ernment Scuritio, Land Warrants, Land Serin, and Pacific It.

It. B.mds. Uoltinr Ailtiillr GootlH. HALLUl'li Aw lIF.t:i.i:iC. 'Rubber and Leather Belting, lloee and Pat-kinir.

Clothinsr, Bots Overshoe. lrtiipirtV aud Stationers Articles, and all Rabbcr tJoods, llLake Street, lIlISEircXOTllixircoTFrM: W. M. Shejiard, Manufacture all descriptions of Heavy and Fancy Rubber Goods Hose and Belting, Statioiiery and lruj GooI. 82 Lnke St, BOOKS.

TU.MI.ISU PublMu-rsand Booksellers 80 Lake FurnL-h S. S. Libraries on liberal terms. Catalogues of S. S.

fumi-iliwl. BOOTS SlIOKS. AUSTIN, CLAPP Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in Boots and Shoes. Lame and well selected Stock at bottom prices. 88 Michigan Avenue.

Cfl 741 II I II Ai MOORE, Manufacturers and Jobbers of Boots Shoes t0 02 Michigan Avenue. pi M. IIEAUEItSO.V As, Maou- facturers and Jobbers of Boots Shoes. 10 21 Randolph Street. Cl L.VEIC, l'AGC Blank Book Manufacturers Steam Job lrinters.

I Binders I roods, 12H lake St. 11. JL ter bricks; with civen t)wer. witli lea i.reakuowns man any otlier inacuine. J.

Kniselv. 152 Madison St. ISISOS. A Manufacturers and WLolesale Deubxs ia Men's aud Bov's Clothing. and K0 Michitran Ave.

C03I3lIfSS10A. KL.AI1C, JJILVsUOKi: Ai. lercliantsl 6- Waehimrtoii Street- Flour, Grain. Provisions, tc. Aw TEKI), Cfen.ral Produce Commission Ollice, 8 2Iercaii- lile LttSalleSt.

niYLCY, IIAI.L. Aw Kl.ii:V. Wool JL Commission Merchants, 74, 70 Sc 78 Mich igan Ave, corner Lake Street, hwago. UXDEKTf OOD Ai. CommioS M'ch'ts in Flour, Grain, Pork.

Lard, Beef, Tallow, etc, Office liiO Maditon Street. BCItl.KV Ai, TYKUCIJ, Importers and Jobbers of China, G1hcs and Liirtlicn Ware. Xo. 4 Lake st. Iiia AVi-lcr.

ETZ Ai, SO, hi to J2 Franklin JL4 Manufacture Wrousht Cast Iron for buildings bridges, Bank vaults doors, shutters, srratintr. Iron Railtnsr. Jliica Sjo Aw Oil AVilir T71 V. ISI.ATClirOKU lfttcturers of Lead Piiie. Sheet LeM.l.Bar Lead, Pig Lead, Linseed Oil, raw and boiled.

0 orth Clinton street. rIsaliM. lIMisilill'l-l-M- Ars 1niiiALL, aw Lolesalo Cloth House, 20 Randolph street. iyi LOW, Wholesale Dry Cioods, Woolens and Notions, 15 fc 17 Randolph large stock and low price. GALE Aw VAX Wlt'K, Dealers Dry Goods.

Woolens and Notions at Whole- ale: Stock well selected and gold at bottom 11 A l.l 1,4 rice; 53 Lake Ft. III V. FA Goods, Notions, Woolens, 44 Wabaeh At- euue, larger iotK anu sen curatper iuan 1 1 1 II ..1 1 any otntr uuuw est. S. j.icKsov aj, whowio Dress Good.

hite Xotion.llo sierv. Furrdshinsr Goods, ic. It'l 54 Wabash Ave. JLiiiK' yy Goo1h Ab XoI'iih KEITil7WOOI0.7lmirter""& Jobbers of Fanev Llrv Gooda. Notions.

llonery, hite iroous ds oolen ii Mock, kjwest ririees, 04 ana Mionizan Avenue. jVf AXI A CiTl I Fo a7 EST Ai. tO XfX Wholesale Dealers in Notions, lloo Hosierv, Gloves and FarK-r Drv Goods, 4tLakest. Our stock new. SKYMOCIt, CAKTKR Importers and Jobbers in White Goods, Lir.ens, Hopierv, Gloves, Notions, Trimminirs oor-wts.

40 is, 4X Miebtan Avenue. 1VIIIJ5.VJN1CW A I It II A A' ii JL? ARD of all all kill' Is. at Co 1.i A Hi CHICAGO. rrt lr i c-. DAY, ALI.E.V Ai, hole-al Grocers, flrlers from countrv mtTchnnts T.romj.tly filled and at the lowest jrioes, 34 it 'i Kanuolr.h st.

Ai. nncn JL? Successor, to n. M. Thomfon.) liole- sale 11 4 A 1 1 S. It KL.

1-yu 1'4J Jf tft, Ilar-lware and tuticrt-, MitTttfacttiBe Iron. Nails. Crriasre IVilU. Ioomj oi nt btishins, Ferris' Axes Ele Tools itx porters ana iisraware v-ui-b-rr. 51 Lake of Wire Cloth, Si.3ves, Riddles.

Ac. IIKUTIIEIM fcKEEP, miiorters and Jobbers in Hardware, Cutlerv, Asrricullural Tools, Aeencv for Amwicaii rile to. heeling ails, fj Stat f-t. IIA.TS, At ILJI VKITII IIICOTIIEICM, Hats, Cat and IV rurs and Mraw Ooo-is. liuHalo Yihen and Buck Umbrellas, Paraaols, C4 and Oi Miehitran Ave.

HALL, Im(rt-I or and Dealers in Iron. SteeL Nails and IK-avj Hardware, W), tr' and fc4 Michigan Av- enue. JCj Chandeliers for sahi at close fi at 12 CHnrk trt JL.iiii.1xt. rStiMla, NK. 9tA IS Ac, (ilJIH ALT.

PUnine MilL Sh and Door Fmctorr Lumber Yard cargoes docked and cHerc filled. Cor. 12th Lumber SU. P. Box tATORTII-tVESTKKA 3IF'.

i. Enrines, lump. Irfn Pipes, Malleable Iron Castings, Steam Warming App 10 Jenerson t. IirALWOttTII. TVOIIIi WW xr--TiL-T- T- t.

Lor- iron a a. xnuiita, cw" Boilers, Pumps Gauges, Belting, iSVm I Yim'g Zio Lake it. I JL I I I I i 1 np at best New Advertisements. Prdposals for Fresh Beef and Beef Cattle. Orncit CHiar Cohmissarv or Scbsistesc 1 Departm car or tBb Missouri, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, April 13, 1SGS.

SEALED PROPOSALS, IN DUPLICATE, will be received until 12 o'clock, April 30th, 1868, at this office, or at the offices of the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence at Porta Wallace and Dodge, Kansas, or at Fort Lyon, Colorado Territory, or at the office of the Chief C. District Upper Arkansas, at Fort Harker, Kansas, or at the office of the Chief C. S-, District New Mexico, at Santa Fe, New Mexico, for supplying SET BEEF FROX THE BI-OCK, to the troops and others supplied at Fort Harker. Kansas, Fort Hays, Kansas, Fort Wallace, Kansas, Fort Lamed, Kansas, Fort Dodge, Kansas, Monuments Station, Kansas. Fort Lyon, Colorado Territory, Fort Reynolds, Colorado Territory, Fort Garland, do Lake Station.

do 8 cooipanles 4 do 4 4 4 1 '4 do do do do do do do do There is nothine positive as to the numberof troops at each post the above is as close to it as we can I Bet at this time. 1st, HC3, excepting at Fort Garland, where xne contracts nm fcuuiunuvt the contract will commence August 1st, lsl3. All the contracts will expire June 3Hh, 1S69, excepting at Forts Harker and Uays, where they will terminate December Stst. lt63. The, beef to be of good, wholesome, marketable quality, with equal portions of roreand hind quarters, (necks, shanks and kidney tallow to be excluded.) The necks of the cattle shall be cut off at the fourth vprtebral ioint and the breast trimmed down.

The shanks of the fore quarters shall be cut off from three to four inches above the knee ioint: and of the hind quarters, from six to eieht inches above the eambrel or hock joint, Each beef, when dressed, must net at least 400 pounds. The contractor will be required to furnish, weigh and Issue the beef on tlfe order of the Post Com missarv. The place from which to Issue the beef will be furnished br the Government, as well as transnortatien for the beef from the place of slaughter to the place of issne. The place of laughter will be determined upon by the Com- mandincr Officer of each Post. The contractor at each Post not situated on the railroad will be required to have on hand at the I rost at least nve nunarea Dusnei i cwm uji mc ib.

day of December, lses, with which to teed his Post at least five hundred bushels of corn by the 1st proposai3 sh0Uid state at what price perpound net I It proposed: to supply TLarned and fLyon. Heynolds and and Wallace, and all Posts west of Hays, which are now or may I of November on 1 ver.i be established before the end the Smoky Hill route to Den I If the bids are suitable, the Posta here connected tOKether will be let out together. Persons for the Posts as above in groups, and I should, addition, bid for them separate I in addition to the. above, there will be, during summer, six companies of the Tentn tar I panies of the Seventh Cavalry at Downer's Station. fit stl- natRT" Vnr, Wall.Pft an,) II (- CODl- I curing ine summer mere win oe uvc vum- panics at Fort Dodge, instead of four, as I above.

pr0po3al3 will also state at what price per I pound, net. will be furnished such numberof cat- I tie fall Bteers between four and six years of age, in good, healthy condition, average weight I of 1000 pounds, and none received utider 800 pound3) the hoof, as may be called for by the TTL' of subsistence at eacit ot tne rosis above months. Proposals ill be enclosed in an envelope, en dorsed "Proposals for fresh beef at and properly addressed. hacli copy of each proposal must nave posted at its head a copy of this advertise ment. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all bids offered.

Blank forms will be furnished on application to the offices above mentioned, and at the office of the Denver Tribune. Payment to be made monthly in such funds as as may be furnished for that purpose. no bid win be received without a written guarantee from two responsible parties for the performance of the contract if awarded. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bids. M.

K. MORGAN, Brevet Brigadier General, apl22 dCt C. C. 8., Dep't Missouri. NIGHT MARE I is one oi me many diseases or wnicn uyspepsia is tne I parent.

To effect a cure persons should avoid hearty food at night, and take a wine-glass full of Roback Stomach Bitters on retiring to bed. McPike Allen, Agents. ANY ONE DESiKING TO HAVE THEIR MEAT SMOKED Can do so by Applying to HENRY BRANDNER, AT HIS STORE. it Charges Reasonable. febl3dtf AM08 AVERT.

W. 8. MOOBHOCsa. AVERY M00RH0USE GENERAL INSURANCE AND Heal Estate Agents. We represent Eight Leading Fire Compa- jiies, and three JLtje Companies! Capital Represented, $63,000,000 Office Bird's Block, south side of Commercial, be tween Fourth and Fifth, up stairs.

aplldtf JOHN PENTOJV, UNDERTAKER DEALER IS ALL EriiDS OF METALLIC BURIAL CASES "AND CASKETS. Also, agent for Estep's patent Hermetical Jointed Burial Cases and i Caskets, the best and cheapest burW eases that can be found. Also, a full assortment of WOODEN COFFINS. (SrHearses furnished for funerals. Orders filled promptly.

Office, south side of Commercial, between 4th and 5th over Dr. WUlson's Drag Store. Factory on Third Street. aj.isan A. ALDERSON, 86 COMMERCIAL STREET, Keeps on hand a choice selection tt MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS.

And the best quality of ST A 1 Y. Aim, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Photo- grip fit. Phot. Albums, lecture, Picture Frame, Moulding, SOLK A GEST FOR IttlCOI GIBBS SE1TWG SACKI5E, 7 As Beit Family Mack in, Cos. Atchison, mayffldly VvlvlIl IF LfVtA U1AU WjtUllVlVll.J.

j. nouGir axi dressed, Shingles and Lath. Order. promptly filled, and shipment made on abort notice. Mill and Yard on the Hirer, Inline the Hail- road.

Pott Ojjiee Box 2o. 7., Atchison. Kansas. ja15dAwtf DRURY BROWN. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines and Liquors.

Commercial Street, bet. Fourth and Fifth, Atchison, Knnsas. Goods delivered FREE. JaaMU.

The Atchison Daily Free Press from Atchison, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.