The Atchison Daily Free Press from Atchison, Kansas (2024)

1. SESBIT. erie railway: Doctor James, OE. ROPER, JR. Try the Kansas Tonic Bitters.

Prime cigars at Frink's. It VJ jy Fomerly of Jame' Lock Hospita Sailii (Cheapest K-rcery MomscjS Track Itoate rw vrtsx. at I ui recuiveu ouuic tcij al 25 cents a pair. dtf New Goods! New Goods! Just received Uard riEwcoxB s. Garden, Field and Fower Seeds just re LUic lioen handkerchief, at 25 cents Dellvered in city by tbe Carrier for K.

R. R. BAJWAFS READY RELIEF. The moment liadway's Ready NEW YORK, ROSTOX ceived, a fresh supply, at Gould Wilbor's ATCHISON, KANSAS, APRIL 23, 18G8 Drug Store. I NORTHERN ROFER the Kansas Tonic Bitters.

lartre lot cf Gents' late stylo of Neck Relief is applied externally, or tak- I iust received at Gard Newcomb's. en i Lvlicn morocco ihoes at 1 00 a pair. Ami a preat many Other articles at very prices. Of white goods, such as Nan- mo'. Jaconet, embroideries, Swiss, we have beautiful styles.

Also, handsome rionlina. alpacas. I'lease I I r-r 1 til un look a the new ana etieap goous, 1Mil L. Fait'sD Co Mouth side between on ml Ith-sts. This weather is now getting warm, and ladiM in need of Hats or Spring Bonnets, Til A iii.J 1 at nam, irom wnaiever cause, ucaaco Trill 1 7 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEttS, Corner Fourth and Commercial Street, ClOABS I UIGARS JrOUIQ a.

nuot I fQ received a fine assortment of cheap 1 PC A lU wtmAa. I wnictt tney wm ouer 10 mo very low figures. Call and see them. Thompson's glove fitting Corsets just re- at uara isewcomo a. ATCHISON Have last opened a large and well assortcrt atoc.

or public at reduced rate. Call and examine their atoea should now avail themselves of the oppor- Hoop Skirts Hoop Skirts The Bridal tunity to get one of those beautiful Hats Express Reception, a la mode, and on exhibition at Minehart's nati0n Hoop Skirts, just received at Gard Frank Howard, in Graham's Block, two Hoarseness, Bilious Colic, Inflam-rinr, nf th Post office, has received I mation of the Bowels, Stomach, Proposals for Fresh BeefandlMUTCllLXSOX LAUUKXCE. BeefOattle. I Xo. vcu street, r.x.iiinir 9 film stork of 1 eoods.

Also. I hoots and shoes, or and cans' umbrellas, and everything T.ri; win find hi stock of carpets are superb, embracing all Diarrhea, Cholera i Morbus, or DjS-w P-ttPms -nd nrices entery, or with Burns, bcalds, or Vir Orfor, tif.iW.i I 1S) 4 KD for the lat year located In lOraro. Utl A nt ucarful M-ecialiat the aire in Mie treat Bent of ail diaeaaea of a private nature can be coca cnuallr conaulted at bia omrc nod rocmi, 03 RVDOLIII STIiEET, Conrof Dcarhara airt. upon the treatment of Chronic, rrcu-iI. rvtuiitic Klood and t-t't- Dim- aaea.

and ail Disorder of a ContarKwa Venereal aractr r.ich he cttrea wiJhnet the aoe I aarr-rary, lodioe, puUiu, ariroic, or any poiaon, but JTTlll'l'H A TV.Tm foritlT-e cure for aU banMr aad hiood and polMaa. Organic Weakness, as Seminal Weakae. JCoctomal 4 Diurnal Emicaiona. tirouphton aheve or tU orcant, ulr Indiacreuona, rcea, or fcrrcuisarr, cumiik ia nenorr, corifUMon, dittvaaua, d.a.t-n of ilin. oftentimes inannltr.

with a drnlurable train srmronM.trrat-rd and eradicaeld, by an infalli method, aviRff tune ana expense. JlIi 3k-aM- pecaliar to he srxaal rrmn. I a iri i rnaraclcr. aad erniaaenu carea. Old Diseases the at ctt l.jrrli.le class, where thettond bis be- borne pear prodactog lOotclicson the face, Mnall watery (inai in tbe keaa and boars, nicer-I ated thront and nK.

es on the and liady. tevthrr wiih aa endlM nemher of suflrr- effect ualiy and permanently carrd. Doctor James recommended by the preaa of the mnlr. bv mw friwrs of medical 'le. and by the nedical tr.

ft-tsion generally. Thoe aQiicled ahonld apply la bim and be cored at otter. Dr. James can he consulted, let ter, P. O.

Drawer J'Ul, Cr.kapo. lilinois, ctamn f'r return Kstir re tl bis otiiee and iail rt. f- Randolph street, errnir of Dearborn frtaa a. to 9. p.

ra. Ten aeparateroooia. and friraia rntrurr Bnj exit. as tht Mttents la eoo1rt with rmcil (4h.r tverjtHing private and con- Jrtial Ju-4 tiuuUthrd, Dr. James, two pamphlets Sj-ermatorrhca and SzfrftHU, and both sent la sealed envelopes to any address, oa receipt ten cents, or ttiree rt 4 pnstaga Maaspa.

nov2JAaly. The 1'laet to Get Your Dills HZUi Complete at CUMMINS ADAMS-, C0ESER OF XIXTU COMMERCIAL Go to Cummins A- Adams to Ctt year COTTUXtVOOU Ac PINK to set your Cottonwood and Pino Laths. to pet your COTTOSWOOl ASD VISE SMXGLES; to our Doors, ath, and Blin 's. all at as cheap aa the cheapot, the place is at 1D1.1S, Corner of Xinth anl Commercial aurfidiwiy. Aftiiioii, A.


G. W. Gillespie sLCCESSOiti TO OLIVES DAVIS, Manufactarers ani Daalersjin JL WJMJBJEm, Keep ccDftantl on lixiid all kinds of Cottmwood and Sycamore novcriz axj Shingles and Latfi. TtC; promj'tlr, an 1 iZihijwnts made short ncrt Ice. Mill and Yard on the Ititfr, Ltler the Kail' road.

Pott Ofiice Jior Ao. 7., Atchison, Kansas. JaliUiwtr GASH STORE! ISTIIE PLACE TO CUVj 9jr Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. TK Have al roods In Atchlunn for svn vara the principal of LAKUE ALJ ANU SMALL Great lied act ion MADE IX PRICES. JJ- Goods Rtctited Almost DuUygl all and See oar large Stock of Goods We will not tt aadersold by any store la the Wert.

Salesroom, Com'l Xortli Sile, (BETWEEN THHU rOCBTII.) SMITH SON. novldAdtf TWLVn- EIGHT SIZES OF THESE KLERK ATED HOT-AIH. FLCX Cooking Stoves, ARE SOW MADE AND SOLD BT THE Excelsior Manufacturing Company, HT. Over lliO.OOO of tlw dinVnmt iw-s hsva 1 old since tiiey wm (nlmilnced, sum! neoBer Uieaa aa refercaie, srherevf-r fouml. As a po.i.ce prmofuf llK-ir IVCUKASING 1 ire arouid reler to Hie drmaod an eaie of thetu during tbe vrarlHH7.

Of arty lovea manubicturol and sold by oa, about EItiIITEC. THOUSAND WERE Charter Oak And rrflwr COOKING 8TOVE Htk th Patent IIut-Air lue. alao iteusa ss call Un atlesi-Uua of Store Dealers, Tir Mate Worker And others. it stock of Tin Plate, She on. Copper an Tinned Iron Ware.

We offer only Crt-clai guols at fair price, believe deaiera vriil find it Uwir intereat to aaasl for Catalotrua and Price Ivta, and uioum fricetuefura parciiaung eiaemiierr. Excelsior Manufacturing Cociptzj, ST. LOL'13, MO. Sold by HARDWARE AND STOVE DEALERS IGEnTS WASTED. la Eve A Plate county and tovnohip.

to sell CrKlon'si Csa er to icse iol firris am. This worn contains ixi.uuo reteresices. and is a enasDlet lades to tbe Bible, enabling any one to tars at on to any passage desired. Every family reeds It, and ojenUfid it wtxa i.f xwt melJtg km tr pmb-tithsd. Circulars an4 roll inlorma ior.

addrest O. I. CAeE publishers, at HarlJ. Clevelaad, Ohio, bctroi ktAch. AIM KANSAS.

NESBH. KANSAS. thpr offi-r to th at.J4 DEALERS IN EVERY CLASS Ur A I Steam Engines and Boilers, Circular Saw Mill, Irjn and Wool Worlinj Machinery, MacJiinUts' Tools, Shafting, Etc. MILL A. PLANTATION MACHINERY ROOTS' XOA'-EXPLOSirE OILER, (The Cheapest and Most Economical now in Alao Horse-Power, Cotton.and Hay Presses.

Cotton I Gins, Portable Kngines, Corn and Wheat Mills, Saw Mills, Improved Steam Packing, Belting, Tools, Ac. Agricultural Implements, With the Latest Improvements. All our ichinerv is from makers of reputation and experience, and will be fully guaranteed. (37 General Agents for Judson's and other Im- proven Lsepsuuura. QUEENSUARE ill! WHOLES ALT? AND KETAIL DEALER IS QEENSWAEE, Glass, China Plated Ware, CHOCRERY, I JOn I I Jlia nilUlierS.

LOOKIXG GLASSES, 11TOCLD Inform the people of Atchifon and Northern i hausastliat lie nas purciuscn me ol.N. aiteneia, ana mat. ne v. iarge Bna superior stLCK 01 gooas, wmcii iie uu. tne puoiicat tne very lowesv prites.

stoca Direct from Europe, He has been in this business lor many years, and vmigv.iuu 1 I. li f. I. a mi: lit- llB, II tt. .1 1.

.1 I -i minnitr. inreis rivalled facilities for obtaining goods of the best qual- ty and la est styles ana will find nti ds secnrelv uim u.uc, -j. nacted sd that there be no risks of breakage. Remember, the place Is akehe'd old stana o-n- mercial street, between Third and iourth. Atchison, Kansas.

1 s- 5 c0 -S 4 i Ul 8 a k- 3 co 1 1 23 in IP 5 -4 5 CO CO BUFFALO MILL FURNISHING Establishment. J. T. N0YE, Proprietor: MANUFACTURES FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, Portable Mills, Fl-our- Packers, Smut Machines, Iron Bolting Reels, Improved Turbine Water Wheels, Proof Staffs, Spindles, Mill Picks, and every description of 3IUI Gearing and Shafting. AUo Dealer in the Best Brand of Bolting Clotli.

Plans and Specifications for MUhfurriUJud upon application. Addresa I Branch Offlce J. T. NO YE, Buffalo, N.T. 22S Wasbing'n-st CtilcafO.

14septG7dAwlv DRURY BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines and Liquors. 7ommercial Fourth and Fifth, Atcliison, Kansas. Goods delivered FEEE. janSdtf To Merchants. The waj to reach the people of Kansas with your inducements to purchasers, is to advertise.

Tbe FREE PRESS offers Ttrs inducements. Bllllii FRIZ 460 I I i I I NEW EXGtAND CITIES THIS RAILWAY EXTENDS FROM Dunlirk to Xeve Yort 4C0 2IiU, D'iffalo to Xete York 423 MIU, Salamanea to Xete Tori 415 tn is rauM All Traiut run directly through to rw Tirt, MILES, WitJiOvt Change cf Ciache. From and after OTerntwr 2T, Train m-ill leave la connection Yith ail rstern lint a FROM DUNKIRK SALAMANCA liy New York time lrora Cultm Dt putt: 7JO A. JT. EXPRESS from DuaUrk.

(undayt excejuea. 1 at rMtmiacs I 'I. til A. and connects at Ilornrlln ille and Corning with the S.W a. F-xprcss Mail fross Buffalo, and arrives In rw 1 or it 1 1.

4.35 P. 3f. LIGaTSISG EXPRESS, front Sala manca, (randaysexcepted.) nojis a( liornriia-ville 5.25 P. interaecting with the r.M. train from liuUa.o, ana arrives in at J.m a.

4.15 P. X. S'ETT YORK XIGItT EXPRESS, from Dunkirk, Duly (except tuudajM. i'p at Salamanca e.u p. au, oiein t.o r.

w-, Turner's 96 a. n. breakfast, and ar rives in rv Vork at P. c.nnecting wilh afternoon Trains and Steamers for Boston and New England Cities. 9.50 -V.

lJtf iAII ai-ffiM ro1a I Dunkirk. (Sundays e'y at aia-1 manca 11 p. and connects MllorneUsrilla I In New York 3.15 r. FEOM BUFFALO By New York Time from Deput cor. txchange and SIirMcan sts: 5.4.

A. Jf. A'EW YORK DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted. Mops at at (it a. if breakfast: Susquehanna 2.1 P.

Uine; Turner's 7.55 r. supper; and arnvea In New York 10.3l P. Conn. ct at Great iiend with Delaware. Lackawanna Westers Railroad, and at Jersey City with Midnight Kxprea Train of New Jersey Railroad for Phil adelphia, Baltimore, and aslnnfrton.

8.00 A. XT. EXPRESS JfAlL, via Avon and Hornellsville (Daily, except Sunday). Arrives in New York at 7.00 A. si.

2.20 P. JT. LIGUTSISG EXPRESS. (Sunday excepted,) lops at IIorneIlville 5.i5 P. aupier; and arrives in New Vork a.

w. Connects at Elraira with Northern Central Railway for Harrisbursf, Philadelphia, ar.d the South; at Jertcy City with Muroius Kxprea Train or ew Jersey fur isaKunore and Washington, and at New York with Morning Express Train for Boston and New England Cities. 6i.o p. jr. xew york: sight expressi VAIL Y.

Stops at Portage t.w p. supper; intersecting with the 4.15 p. Traia from Dunkirk, and arrives ia New York at 1 80 P. at. 11.20 P.

JT. CrXCIXXATI EXPRESS, Daily, (except Sundays.) Stops at Susquelianna 7.40 A. breakfast; Turner's 1.27 P. dinner; and arrives in New York at 8.4 p. M.

Connects at Elmira with Northern Central Railway for Harrisourg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and all points South. Also, connects at Great Bend with Delaware, Larkaaanna Western Railroad fur Scranlon, Trenton and Philadelphia, and at New York with afternoon Trains and Steamers for Boston and New England Cities. Only one Train east on Sunday, leaving Buffalo at 6.10 P. and reaching New York at 12. So p.

x. baggage, are transierreayree cnar.j in tore rVT To pleasure travelers the line of the Erie Railway presents many oljects of interest, paniDg Delaware and Uamapo rivi-rs. an ever iii. twniMimi itvf ai in. i.

rieinunir rui panorama of nature beauties command attention. The Bert ventilated and moat Luxarioas Sleeping Coaches tlie orldJ accompany all night trains on this railway. BAGG.IVE CIIIXKED XiltlOlCII, And fare always as low aa by any other Uoute. rr Tt.ri-T.'' i-ii rnir It I Tl h' I I Oil TICKLi I A LllIL 1 AI LH A I Which can be obtained at all the I'riorlpal Ticket Offices in the West and South- West. H.

EIDDLE, K- iiAUR. Gen'l Eup't. Ot-nT I'ass. Ag't. A.

J. DAY, Western Agent. ecember 1, 15GT-tf. e-- rt 9 CP 'tl The Great Centra Route East CHICAGO, BURLINGTON QUINC RAILROAD. This Old Reliable Route, via Hannibal St.

Jo- arph and Clricaro, Barlin-rton and tiuincy Railroads. Paaseneets going F.aft should be si their Ticaava read via this GREAT P0PULAE E0UTE Xete and Splendll Day Coaches with 12 -Wheeled Coaches, and Ecrraa'a Ptit VusviLAToaa are rnn on all Day Trains. PCLLMAV3 PALACE SLEEPING COACHES, The finest in the srorld. are run on all Xia-ht Tralna. Ttdsis the only road running Palare flerpin Coaches from Berths can be secured in advance by Letter.

Telegraph, or Personal Application. NO CHAXGE OFCAKSPP-OM QCIXCV TO CHICAGO And bat OXE CUAXGE from QUINCY TO NEW YOEK. Pitt org, Harrisborj. Cleveland, Detroit, Niagara Falls. Eochester, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, or Louisville.

Tiroa to all Eastern Cities Is as quick, and Passengers leaving tuiii-y oa Saturday night arrive An Kesr York and alt fcattera cities 13 nOCRS QUICKER TftAX BY AXY OTHEB HOUTE. Tills is the only road running a THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN UATLROAY EVENING. sr-Fare alwajsas loas by Inferior routes Ask for Tickets via. Chicago, Burlington aad Qolncy Railroad. SAVE 10 IIOCR3 TIME OVER All other rootes.

and secure Comfort, Ppeed aad Safety, and Leas Changes of Car lhaa by any other route. Baggage Checked Through. ROBERT ARRIS, GenT Chicago. D. MCNSON, Ass't B'ip't.

linry. E. E. PAKKER. GenT Western Agent.

O. W. SELLES and FRED. UARVET. Ticket Agent.

E. S. WILLS, Ticket Agent, Atchison. 70 Acres' of LAND. SI FOR RALE.

One ani a nair mnes sonn-weai Atchison, on Peer Creek. There on It a small bouse and nice fruit tree, grafted, some of them bearing; plenty of timber, water, pare and good, tillable land, for making a desirable farm and home. Tune given on part payment. Apply r.D. MILLS.

ESaBBSd ci A Such and 'other ble Of bif Is 8. IMPOST AN I IU AUVtK I lotHo tit ftnrr-r a Tin THE FBEH ACK HOICK TUAX DOUBLE UFA LL OTHER PA PERS IX TECJ1Y. TUP. BF A HYE RTIS. Ties til IjILIjl '711', A mkvicm in ka us a s.

Local and Miscellaneous. just Post No. 2, A. meets to-night, the Hall on 2d st. Newccmb's.

Albert D. Richardson, formerly of this county, is now engaged writing the life of Gen. Grant. John Mcchan, who has for some years been in the grocery business in thi3 city sold out, and expects soon to be in the business at Waterville, Marshall coun'y. By reference to our telegraph reports, i will be seen that a very destructive fire vis Itofl Kr Louis last nisht.

We have no particulars further that will be found in the dispatch above mentioned As another instance of the ravenous pro- Density of dogs in our city, we noticed a few days since, a young porker's ears that had been nearly bitten off, and hung but hv a small miantitv of flesh. Take either the hogs or the from the street. There will be an Administrator's Sale of city property at the Court House door in this city, on Sturday, the 25th be tween the hours of one and two clock p. ka. I m.

a 1 I M. tor Uescrlplion 01 property, can at ii bott it Reek's office, near corner of Com- me'rcialand 5th streets. d2t Gould Wilbor have just received a fine article of Cologne Water, which they offer ror gaie jn anv quantity and at a reasonable pi jca. and see it. Piaso for A fine Stoddard Piano for sale cheap.

For information inquire at the residence of N. Goslin, 5th street, I North Atchison. ap22dtf Nfeds Repairing. The side walk ex- tendin. a)oniT 4th in South Atchison, though but recently built, in part, needs at considerable repairing.

The walk was but poorly built in the rst place, and -now there are several places where boards are gone, making after dark, qUiie dangerous We hope our "new Fa- thcrs" will not only bear this fact in mind. DUt that there are two unused and uncov cred wells on the sune street, that should be made more safe. Kvery DaySometlilngNew, At S. Greenabaum's Ladies' Variety and Millinery Store. Up stairs, remember, next to Faust Gould.

Just received, by U. S. Express, Laces of every kind. Crochet Trimming of all all kinds, Lace Handkerchiefs, good Clnny Lace, Embroidery, Edging and Inserting of all kinds. A few more of those 50 cent Hats, and a nice stock of Parasols, can al! be found at at Gbeenabacm Up stairs, next to Faust Gould's.

We tender our thanks to the merchants and other business men who have so con stantly given us their orders for job print ing; and being desirous to please them still I more, we haV lately obtained a large and I splendid addition to Our job-printing de- I partment, consisting Of new types, fine inks, and other fixtures for that line of I hnsiiiPsu Wi. rn thprpfnrA now nrpnared I to fill all orders for any kind of plain or Ornamental printing, at low prices, and in a Style that cannot fail to give sat isfac llH' Wtiat evnrvhodv savs must be true, and iiiej hi agiBB mat iwuuius is vuc to buy Groceries. utf Nick Johnston, the popular caterer to I the tastes and stomachs of a host of friends ana- customers, both in and out of our city, has removed to the corner of 4th and Com where he has fitted up Eating Rooms in the neatest and finest style i lransieni customers who may waut a gouu dinner, supper or breakfast, will always find Nick Johnston's tables nicely spread and covered with the beit viands to be had in the city, all cooked and served up in a style to suit the most fastidious taste. If Nick's customers don't grove fat, it will be their fault and if Nick grows poor, it will be a fact beyond our ability to explain. Some time durinff the Dast winter Our City authorities commenced grading the sidewalk on the west side of Second street.

Beginning at the corner of Atchison street. the sidewalk was removed and the earth taken away till the walk was about level with the 6treet, and then the work was stopped, leavinz th foot passengers to tramp through the mud; in wet weather, v. .1 A much to their discomfort and annoyance. And still it remains unfinished, the wooden walks lying about in Various places, or 8Uch VTtons of them as have not been picked up and carried off by persons in want of fire-wood. We have now got a new Mayor, and I some other new city officers.

Will some of them set the sidewalk we have de- scribed back in its former place, or where it can be of use to the public, and oblige those for whose benefit the walk was made? lowinc it to remain aa it is? 1 he Tope ka Kecord says Mr. bwingley residence, southeast of town, was struck by lightning about noon Sunday. It fol lowed down the kitcnen stove pipe, pass ed through the coffee pot, tore the 6hoes CT tlrj Qo-imrLfi'ii far Knrnrl Vipr feet 1 gh- a little ana leil ner ana one oi ner uau tcrs on the floor. The cellar door was-open. ana me eiecinciiy iodk iuus.

into me I i I i cellar, killed a dog that hsd just gone down with one of the eirls. but did not i.iiure the the girl. It tore off the whole east side of the house below the too of the windows. The injured parties are all doing well. 1,000 lbs.

Dried Beef just received st J. M. Urowell to 8. A No. 1 Salt Fish at J.

M. Cbowell fc Co's. Buvers of Dry Goods will find it to their advantago to call on R. L. Hardon 406 408 North Fourth St.

Louis, Dry Try A Cigars at ceived 1 hats Those to stock much Sr. A kid boots and can an 171. of I I I i I i I I I I It "I inwardly, according to direction, i exiSf Radway's Ready Relief is inval- -m. 1 1 Uable. It can be used Willi positive assurance of doinsr good in all cases srjr.VST rri T.iinfrH T.iver.

Kidnevs. or with Crout. Quinsy, 'Fever and Asrue, with Neuralgia, Headache, Tic Doloreux, Toothache, Earaclie, or with Lumbasfo, Pam in the Back. Rheumatism, or with Cholera, Bruises, or with Strains, Cramps OT Spasms, tlie application of RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF will cure you 'of tllO worst of tllGfe Com- to plaints in a lew JlOUrs. it jrnce uiiy cuius pur jjuluc.

DR. RAD WATS PILLS. COATED SWEET GUM, PURGE, REGULATE PURIFY AND STRENGTHEN. FOR T11E CURE OF I All TMr-zMti-livc! rA tho Kfr.mnr1!! I .1 V- I er, Bowels, Kidneys, 15 ladder, IS erv- ous Diseases, Headache, Constipa- tion. Costiveness, lndicrestion, irs- pepsia, Biliousness, Fever, Inflarn- rnation of the Bowels, Piles, and all i i -vt-- Derangements ot tne internal is- cera.

WARRANTED TO EFFECT A POSITIVE CURE. PURELY VEGETABLE. CONTAINING NO MERCURY, MINERALS, OR DELETERIOUS SUQS. Pain in the Side, Chest, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes ot Deat, 13urn jn jn fae Flesh A few doses of Radway's Pills -hi. ci i'.

11 1, I Will irev; Lilt; lOVOLCLit iium uj. I Sold by Druggists and Store-keep- ers. rice zo cenrs per uox. BADWAY No. 87, Maiden L.ane, X.

September 21st, URNISHI DEPOT PT. A luTf I I II 1 iNJ At' i i J-i 1 Practical Millwrights, Have established a Branch of the Chicago Clinton Iron Works AND Mill Furnishing Depot IN ATCniSON, KANSAS, And are now prepared to contract, furnish and build Mills of all descriptions, consisting of GRIST Hi WII MILLS. Saw Mills, Ware Houses, Distilltries, Breweries, Starch Factories, Woolen Cotton Mills. Are also, Manufacturers and Dealers in French Burr Mill Stones, Portable Mills, Flour and Corn Bolts, Flour Packers, Grain Separators, Saw Mills, Water Wheels, DUFORE Co's ORIGINAL Oil DUTCH A1ER IDLTli CLOTH Leather and Rubber Belting, Steam Packing Smut Mi'ls, Brandester's cast and wrought Iron Shafting, Gearing, ARE AGENTS FOR The celebrated American Tnrblne water Wheel, warranted to give better power than any other whe in existence. ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR RICHARD'S CORN SIIELLER The Champion of the World Also Agents for Portable and Stationary Er gir and Boilers of au DesGriptious.

Also Agents for CIRCULAR, MULAY CROSS-CUT SAWS, Of all Sizes and Descriptions. Also Agents for tbe HOWE SCALE COIIPAXY. JP. jVI. Wonld call attention to their portable Grist Mills; a mill complete will grind and belt from 10 to 13 bushels of wheat per hour, ana one tnira more or corn, occuDvine 14x20 or 25 feet, and 3 or 9 feet in heieht.

with an attic for elevator and smarter, forming; a complete custom mill, and can be put in operation In one fourth the ordinary time of mill building, and for cheapness, simplicity of arrangement, and practical utllltv uely cotupeuuoxi- camjiies oi vnicn can oe seen at oar warerooms, where parties interested are invited ta call and examine for themselves. Drafts, plans and estimates tumisned when aesired, and will attena to ine survey uigui mm kim Hume eatimatin? of water powers. Office and warerooms, foot of Commercial near the levee, Atchison, Kansas. Srnd for a circular mav9dltevwAwtf. PL1MOSBOS A MAHIE.

DACIFIC AILBOAO OF JTHSSOI7JBI JL Important Change of Time! and after Sunday, March 17th, Trains wiU run aa follows: Mail Train leaves Leavenworth daily (except Sunday), 7 15 A. Exnrens Train leaves Leavenworth daily (ex- cent Sunday 4 00 P.M. Firect connection made at Saint Louis with Railroad and Steamboat lines for points East. North and South. No change of cars between Leavenworth and St.

Louis. Xew and Elegant Sleeping Cars on all A igiit 1 rains. Time as quick and fare as low as by any other route. Through Tickets to aU points in the United States and Canadas, for sale at the Company's office, corner Main and Shawnee streets, under the Planters House, Leavenworth. t.

aicii.isjciv. supt. W. O. LEWIS.

Gen. Ticks Aft. Vf. U. H.

BECK, Ticket Agent, anrSdiw Leaven vorth. Kan. For the Best Job PrinUog, Go to the Daily Fses Press office, comer Commercial andSd street at the at ico. at fo I Fashion Bazaar. if ou want some elezant Dress Patterns call at Thco.

Mineharts. You will be perfectly astonished at the variety and styles, the elegance of the goods, anu hlx)ve alt at the low prices he sells them. lhey have come, Minehart's I)rt6S Ooo.U have come. Ladies, please come and inspect them. Tl.o largest and best assorted stock of car-peUcunbc found at Minehart's new Carpet Hall.

aprTdtf Tlx tine Millinery room over Thoo. II. Mir.clmrt's is now open. Ladies ara respect fully invited to examine the latent styles of Huts, flowers, apSdtf Ovstkus Just received, by Ex Quod's. A now installment of desirable hoat music, just received at Alderson's.

tiiapea, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Prunes. Cranberries, Oranges and Lemons, Bl Quir.o's. W'antkd. Ten thousand pound of Cotton and Linen Rags, for which the highest mnrkut price will be paid at d4dtf J. V.

TlllESDELL'8. Cheap ah tub Cheapest At the nest an. I well-stocked store of Jacob Pushier, south sidn of Commercial street, nearly opposite Manley Talbott's Bank, the prions of good are kept down to the lowest figures. Mr. Pcehler keeps a fine as sortment of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Quecnswsrt, Mirrors, Glassware, and our readers will find him a good man to deal with.

Mr. Pcehler don't make a great dual of noise, but he does sell goods at reasonable prices, sod that i.what pleases the people. sep24'67tf Pine Lumber. Seoville Smith, (successors to Mackoy A have on hand a large stock of Pine Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Sash, Doors and Blinds selected with special reference tn the wants of this market, which the willKtllat the lowest market prices. A iioii yard nd stable adjoins their lumber yard, whore farmers can always find good accommodation for their teams.

Also, the celebrated Studubaker Wagont kept con aUntly oh hand. Yard on Fourth street, ar 0. B. U. P.

It. R. Atchison, Doc. 14- tf. Cork Mkal.

Abbott Bartlett keep iho best, bolted ready for ue. Try it. They pay Cash for Wheat and Corn. Fourth atreet, next to railroad. hare the following brands of family Flourwhich I will deliver, free of charge, to persona in the city Domestic Mills, Clnllenge St.

11 Louis, XXX I XXX XXX Choice, Wonderly MilU.St. Louis, St Louia XXI I VTVY I I 1 1 it I i 1 1 i.vnv i iiiv. Uushvile, Ruohville, XXX deciiOdtf M. Qligo. '1 lie well-known dry goods house of M.

tii tiuiabaum is one of the largest In the city. This firm occupy a very lurpe room, and keep it well stocked with ooila by frequent arrivals from the East. They sell largely at wholesale, and they al-o retail largely. Our readers will al ways find attentive "clerks at M. Greena- baum 4 and an excellent assortment of goods.

Don't forget this stor in making selections. "dtf Fob Sale. A certificate of membership in the Merchants' National sBusiness Col logo and Collegiate School, Chicago. Inquire at this office, dtf Fahmkrs Attention. For 80 days we will sell Ames long handled shovels at St.

Louis prices without freight. dtf Faust Gould. French and eastern made Bonnets, just lect'ived and always on hand. Ribbons, lnoes, and millinery goods of all descriptions, at Miss Anna McDonough's Millinery rooms, north lide of Commercial, between 4th and in Sam. Dickson's store.

prl2dtf. Wo wish to direct the attention of our reader to the card of Dr. Whittier in another column. Back files of St. Louis pa- nrnva tViA T)Aftnra lhrA JneH of a Phvsician whose renutation is Union wide should be worth reading.

His pamphlet only coats tho postage, six cents, t.arcnzoaxwrfm For beet large and small Photographs Ambrotypeg, call on Masters. They are pronounced the best by every body. Call and see for yourselves. Remember the place, corner 4th and Commercial streets, over McCubbin's store. Satisfaction cruaranteed.

Gents' French calf and Encrlish Lastin-, cus om mado, congress Gaiters and Oxford Ties, at dtf John Bemer's. English Breakfast Tea just received at John M. Cbowell Co's. Arrested. Every persons attention when they call at Faust it Gould's and hear their prices.

dtf Use "Star Mills" Yeast Powder. Meat Cutters, nd Sniffers at less than half price st dtf Faust A Goulds. Use "Star Mills" Yeast Powders. A new and beautiful stock of fancy and staple Ilardware. Just received by Facst Gould.

$10,667 Ml worth of all kinds of new fresh Groceries at John M. Cbowell Co's. has Ofiice Chikf Commissart or Scbsistexce, DEFAKTUBSr OF IHt MISSOURI, Kansas. April 13, 1SG3, I SEALED PROPOSALS, IN DUPLICATE, will be received until 12 o'clock, April 30A, 186S, this office, or at the offices of the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence at Forts Wallace and Dodge, Kansas or at Fort Lyon, Colorado Territory, or at office of the Chief C. 8., District Upper Arkansas Fort Harker, Kansas, or at the oCice of the luer District New Mexico, at Santa Fe, New Mex forsuDDlyme IS'ET BEEF FROn THK the troops and others supplied at Fort Harker, Kansas, 3 companies 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 1 do 4 do 3 do 2 do 1 do Fort Havfl, Kansas, Fort Wallace, Kansas, Fort Larned, Kansas, Fort Dodge, Kansas, Monuments Statirn, Kansas.

Fort Lyon, Colorado Territory, Fort Reynolds, Colorado Territory, Fort Garland, do Luke Station. no i nnTnliprnf troODS rnere is noining i each nost the above is as close to it as we can i ett at this time. 1 1 41m nfiet, Jill, The contracts Win commence 1st, 1S3, excepting at Fort uar ana the contract will commence August 1st, III will exmre June win, Iw, KK'T1 tallow to be excluded.) V.ICW3, ff The necks or the came fVv.l et vortPnrB lOITlV UU i vw mi. .1 1, th fnri nuarters shall be cut off from three to four incW above the knee joint. and of lhe hind quarters, from six to -he nVYrt oo pounds.

si. ff A II vuULiatva i the beef on the oraer 01 me jroev i-m- n.v-'-i t.m hioh In issue the Deet wut ie piai-o be furnished by IaCe nlace of issue. The place or Blnnhuv Will IIP II elclDI I UCU i nffifor nf SLch Post. The contractor at eacn run uui I 1 I. lil 1 1 at I railroaa will De reuiieu nave Post at least five hundred onsneis i corn uy ub i.i npi-rmher.

186S. with whicn to teea nis Prooosals should state at wnat price perpuuuu uci it is proposed to supply i tiarKer uu nnyo.t TLarned and rr.wftn vnnlils and fra.rland.1 and rWallace. and all Posts west of Hays, which n.9u pstahlished before the end nt N.irhpr on the Smokv Hill route to uen If the bids are suitable, the Posts here connected together will be let out together. rersous who bid for the Posts as aoove in. groups, are also willing to take tnem separately, i should in addition.

Did lor mem In addition to tne snore, mere the summer, aix companies ol tne ienin vav- n. near Knrt WAllACe. ana DVB wu- panies of the Seventh Cavalry at Downer's Station. Ihoro will he five C0U1- nanies at Fort Dodge, instead of four, as above. nAr I Fronosals will aiso staie wua.

v. 1 1. pound, net, win De lurnisneu nutn tie (all steers between our and six years iof age, in good, healthy condition, vege of MOD pounas ana none pounds) on me nooi, as muj r.r at each of the Posts named, during the above months. Proposals will be enclosed in an envelope, en- dnrsed ProDosals for fresh beef at anu properly addressed. ac conv or eacn Kacn copy oi each proposal must have noated at its head a copy of this advertisement The undersigned reserves tlie right to reject any or nil hiH nflVii(l Blank forms will be furnished on application to me offices above mentioned, and at the othce oi tne ien- vr Tribune.

Payment to he made monthly in sucn tunas as as may be furnished for that purpose Nnhul will he receive witnout a written guarantee from two responsible parties for ihe performance of I thi mnlrart If nimrllpll. I Bidders are invited to be present at the opening oi I the bids. M. K. MUKUAS, Brevet Brigadier General, apl22 dGt C.

C. S-, Dep't Missouri. NIGHT MARE Is one of the many diseases of which Dyspepsia is the parent. To effect a cure persons should avoid hearty food at night, and take a wine-glass full of Eoback Stomach Bitters on retiring to bed. McPike Allen, Agents.


AVERY M00RH0USE, GENERAL INSURANCE -AND Real Estate Agents. We represent Eight Leading Fire Compa nies, and three L.ije Uompanieis! Casli Capital Represented, $63,000,000 00 Office Bird's Block, south side of Commercial, be tween Fourth and Fifth, upstairs. aplldtf JOHN PENTON, UNDERTAKER, DIALER IS ALL. KISDS OP METALLIC BURIAL OASES AND GASKETS. Also, agent for Estep's patent Hermetical Jointed Burial Cases and Caskets, the best and cheapest buriil cases that can be found, Also, a full assortment or HUUDia tuuus.

Hearses furnished for funerals. Orders filled promptly. Office, south side of Commercial, between 4th and 5th streets, over Dr. Willson'a Ilrug Store. Factory on Third Street.

apiaavi L. A. ALDERSON, 66 COMMERCIAL STREET. Keeps on hand a choice selection MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, And the beat quality of A I Also. Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Photo- -v All Tl graphs, rnot, JLUiums, irtcivre, Picture Franks, Moulding, SOLE AG EXT FOR WILLCOI i GIBBS SEWING MACHIM, The Best Family Machine in Atchison ma y89d 1 For BILL HEADS go to.

the Fbk Pmss Job Printing office. ffl I I I I I I suit everv one. Call and examine his and see for yourself. ap20dtf Use "Star Mills" Yeasl Powder. Ladies' Misses' and Boy's slippers, in great variety at dtf Johni5emer s.

Use "Star Mills" Yeast Powders. Try Gould Wilbor's superior Cologne Water. It is equal to any imported ana cheaper. Pickles by the kit or gallon at Robbins Co. 'a.

marlOdtf Seeds-in great variety, also garden tools dff Pact. Go ovn.j.ui: nAr UillJUli i 1 1 j. i hisses" ana Umiaren lasting, glove kiu, goal, and french calf, congress gaiters, polish and balmorals, just receired at dtf JohnBemers, TTso Star fills" Yeast Powder 100 bbla. White Wheat Flour, St. Louis brands, for sale at i J.

M. (Jbowell Uo's. Fresh sugar-cured Hams, new Mackerel White Fish and, in fact, everything that is nice and fresh in the Grocery line be found at Bobbins dtf Dried Cherries and Blackberries for sale J. M. Cbowell Go's.

Use "Star Mills" Yeast Powders. Canned Fruits of all kinds at J. M. Cbowell Co's. Drury Brown are receiving to day immense quanity of new groceries.

Try the Kansas Tonic Bitters. Look oa this picture, and then on that." Here yon Dehold the infirm step. The pallid cheek, wasting form, Vntasted food, and a social atmosphere Poisoned with the tales of aches, pains, Sleepless nights and mental despondency. There, laughing health, sparkling eyes. Elastic steps, craving appetite, forgotten care, UEumi uivugui auu aiuutbiuuB resuivca Show the contrast and mark the picture.

One took the Plantation Bitters the other didn't. They are very for weak and delicate persons. beneficial Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article superior to Cologne and at. half the price.

rcaiFT the Blood. It is conceded by the most emii nent medical men, that the blood Is the fruitful parent of disease, by serving as a vehicle throngh which noxious subfltancss contaminate the flesh by abaorp- t-lon The fastid contents of the bowels, if long retained are oiten taKen up ny tne veins or absorbents. Various morbid products, such as pus nd Mine. of unhealth ul cers, occasionally find their way into the blood vessels, which result in seated c9" of Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipejas, Salt rinuM runntlva nf fn to anr fllioo crosi nf tne ski EnIment of the Glands, Pain, in the Head, Sides and Back, St. Titus' Dance, Pleurisy, Iiiness, Tumors, Griping and Cholic Pains, all which diseases readily yield to the powerful influ- FY- ,7 tha vile humors and distempers, leaving the The manv valuable ingredients of which the Blood Purifier is composed, being adapted to each other strictly according to the laws of chemical science.

makes it one of the most valuable alteratives and ays- tem renovators of the present age, and its success at a ffteat medicine must increase as long as disease con- eases to vex the soul of man. BOLD BY McPIKE A ALLEN. On Saturday evening. April ltn, at Aluscotan, marv Luisa, daoghter of W. and C.

Badgkk, aged 2 years, one month and tan days. WANTED AGENTS! To seltl he Life of GENERAL GRANT, BY JOHN S. C. ABBOTT. THIS vork will be illustrated with three fine ateel engravings and eight maps, printed in tint, and and aold only by subscription.

Agents will find this 1 a. 1 1 14. anihn anil wura simt wiu dcu iiscii, iixs duuic. the One style in which the book will be published, can not fall to insure for it an enormous ana rapia saie. Liberal terms to rood agents.

Price to suit the times. Wre are now prepared to assign territory. Publishers, 140 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O. "attention, CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will he received by the undersigned Chairman of the Committee on Improve- til Monday ev-ning, April S7th, 136, at 4 o'clock. p.

rortne cunning oi a cil.cj duiuui over nunc 6th atW and for the-opening of 5th fi where the price charged per xubic yard is more than twentv-nve cents. No bids will be received for the wood work where the price charged is more than the Engineer's estimate of the probable cost of the same. Plans and specificationa can be seen at the office of the City The Council reserves tne ngm to reject any svua an bids. The whole work to be paid for In beneral improve ment Bonds of 1S68. Bids must be accompanied with a bond of OUU obligating the bidder to faithfully enter into con- tract and perform the work, if the contract be awarded him.

It is at the option of the bidder to bid for all or a part of the wort. The excavation and filling and the aplU-dtd. "i Chairman Com. on Imp. MAMiET SMITH, BANKERS, Corner of Commercial and Fifth ATCHISON.

KANSAS tlnnutii. Crluiini. Cold ml Silver Coin, Cneurrent Mony, Land Warrants, aad al. classes oltovernmen oecurmes oougut hi win lt market rates. Deoosita received on favorable terms, and money loaned at reasonaoie rates on gw.i Angust 6th, lS67-dwtf Ghentlemen's DINING SALOON i By N.

JOHNSON, Commercial St.lelween Fourth and Fifth. At all hours of the day and night- No pains or ex-enae will be spared to please our guests. The table will be supplied with all the substantiate and delicacies of the season. We have rooms fitted up for ladies A i'A mat nn nnnrfl far halls and Dir. ties at short notice.

Give us a call. For the neatest job printing everybody 1 goes te tho Faw Paxsa offlce. Gooda Jobbers. feb23dl7 Adrertiss in tl FRSS PV ESS..

The Atchison Daily Free Press from Atchison, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.