THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE: WASHINGTON, D. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1887. 6 THE GRAND ijRMY. i News From the Departments New Posts, etc HEAJDQUARTERS BULLETIN. HnADQ'nB Gkand Aumy op tk Itnrunuc, Madihon, Jan.
12, 1S67. The opiniou of Judgo Advocate-General Henry IS. Taintor, following, iu the raoo of the 6UPiioiifiioa by Dcmrtmonl Commander Colo of Posts 5 and 37, Doparltnutit of 2sew Jersey, to-gcthur with the iiidonumoni thereon, will lie a matter of ponoral inturosi to tho Grand Army of LhoJiepublic: lUuTPOiin, Jan. 1RS7. Col.
E. B. Gray, Adjutunl-Gunoml, U.A.H., Mudi- feOII. Wis. DuauComiudk: 1 linvc tholionor to return bore-villi the mjow lu tlu oiioo of the appeal or 1.
M. Lee Post, Sio. 6, Dupiirtinuiit ol New vhioh in your absence was rulurrod to uic liy loo ComiimiiduHn-Chief. The decision of Hie iRi.tion BiilmiitUiJUiuvolvoM a coiibtrtiutfoii of tlio doing of llio Itisl Is'niioiinl linoaiiipuiont. and In tliolr con-hiiloriiiiou we niiibt take Hie action as wo lind it in tliu olnelally published Prouut'diiigu.
On reference thereto we liml tlie loliosving inuio: By tlie iiddtvM of the Guimnunder-in-Chief (neo page 41) it iipK)Mn lliul lie liad decided that Department liueiiuipinont not being in action, an nppoul from tlio original act of tlie Dopnitinonl Commander or Department Council of Adniiiiihtni-tlnii may bo made dn col to Hie Conunnndisr-iu-Chiuf. That Ihall the duuimuii Unit appears in the record, und that, is tlio only quorum nubnittlod by tlio Couiuinndor-m-Ohiol to tlio Eneniupinunt in Una inutlur. In tlio roporl of tlio Judge Advocate-Guiierid (jmhi 110j wo llnd the opinion on which is u.iboailiiaUiveduoibiouofthoConiniandor-in-Cliier. The Ilrei wrt of tlie opinion duals unliroly with tlio Ihw ot tho onto in il bearing on tho question of npjiettl. In tin laUor part tlio Judge goes on to consulorthefnuisiu thecuse, and thou iiilvittib thai tlio lit-tt lie reinstated.
hat notion tho Coiniunudor-in-Ohiel look on that ndioe dia not appoar, but from clnlunioiitH iu tho praront hpjhmiI he proMiuiubly roiiifluled the Posts, it Ih tiHtiuy uiKfbMtry tohiiy that tho province of the Judge Advooato-Uoiioial Ih only adviMiry. and that iiottner Inn advico nor opinum become law uiiiil proiiiuigalud by tho Comuiaudei-iii-Chiuf. fcuuh being the blato of tho ciibC, what was tho iielioii of the Rational Encampment? The ooiuniittoe on the import oi tho Judge Advo-catfOeiiural loporud umifc 2H!) Unit tho opinions of the Judge Adviiuate-lionoial aio correct and "that they hhould be udoptud." A motion wan made, "that the report be adopted," and Comrade Coie, of Kew Jernoy, moved an a Mibslilulo "Unit the ro'iort be adopted with the cxerpikm of that part relating to the Department of New Jorwy; whiuh substitute resolution win pusbud. (See page 213.) huUfOipiuuUy (bco jmgo ZW) tho Encuinpuiuiit passed ilie billowing: 'Jt0Mkd, That iu tho notion taken by the Encampment, in the cs.e or the appual of tho Dupart-liiutitof Now Jerbuy, it is not intended to reveibo the opinion of the Judge Advocate-General, that a Post may, under proper oiroiimnlnneea, appeal direct to the National Conitiuindor or National En-caiupuieiit: and on the contrary we ntUrin tho oianion to that oxtent." The otleol of the above bulUlute resolution wns purely negative; it tsimply failed to approve the opinion ol Judge Advouatc-Ueneral, and porhapb, inioicuiiidly, Uie deuibion of tlio t.ominaiider-ui-Clnol tin to the rteht of appeal. The pabsagc of iho Bubsuqucul rebolution, however, oillrined theo)iu-ion of the Judge Advocate-General, ami, inloren-tialiy, thodueiniunof the Comniuiider-in-Cliief oil tho right of the appeal.
The way vat now open for Hiuh ulllrinativeand positive nelioti.nt tho iimtanee of interacted purtius, lib would ovorridc any decibion the Coiiiinniuier-iu-Uhief ninv have rendered rela tive to the reliibtntoinont of the PobiB. but no biioh iiclion any wlioro apjicnra. The luarlmuut Commander of New Jersey wiw appar.iuly balisfied lo leave the matter whoie it thou blood, and entirely failed to prubujuiy ad-vnuliure he may have bo far gained. Wo have, then, a failure jf the Uiicutupnioul to npiirove eor-tain advice eoulaiiied in an opinion ol the Judge Ativoeale-tiotutral, but no action whatever, and no question raised on the record as to the decision of the Commander-in-Chief in view of that advice. It is un elementary principle reeogniwd in our Kuleaand Ilugulalioiib (Chap.
Ill, Art. VII) thatn deoisiou miibt bland until reversed by competent authority. No motion was ever made to reverse the deoisiou of Conimaiidor-iii-Cluef Ibirdolt in the matter of reinstating tho PoMb. and that question never came belorotiicJSncainpment. Whether the failure to take action in thai direction vh a result of iiiibconeeption of the situation by the Department Commander of Now Jorsey.
or merely mi oversight, iu not important, i do not think the Cotnmatidor-in-Chiof bhould now do indirectly what the linwiinpnient failed to do when it had the opportunity with inloresled parties before it, nor do 1 think lie would be Justified in acting upon tho osbumod ititonllun of the -Encampment ou a question not before it. I tun, therefore, of the opinion that the action of the 20th National Encampment did not overrule any uochHoti of uoniuiuinior-iu-uiuoi uuruoii In this matter, or in any way affect the status of the Pouts, and that the Department Commander of New Jersey in notifying thun that the original order of siiHpoiihion was iu force, by virtue of the action of the Nmionnl Encampment, was iu error. Jn view ofthe above opinion it becomes unnecessary to consider the oiliur questions iniocd on the appeal. Yory truly, yours, in F. Mid L.
liwtaY E. Taintou, Judge Advocate-General. The question has been tibked, can a comrade belong to more than one Post at thobame time? WitlioulaiMwuriugilolnoiully.can anyone suggest an ohjoetion to a Comrade being member of as many I'oblsas lie pluanes, jirovidcd lie pays his duobiind attends the meeting in a icabouable regular maimer. C. ash burn Post, No.
1, Department of WikOoiiMii, oieetud a eoinnnle. lie Ida foe and was ready to be muslorod. On the night that he was to be mustured, he was so hick it was impobbible for him to attend and go through thucoiouieiiy. He diod, and ulihe request of tlie family tlie rnuid was road, and ho viu buried under the Mitopieus of the Grand Army of Uic liopub-lic. ob ff he M'oic a member of it.
not wmMi man virtually a member of the Omiid Army of the Itepublic, the intention being indiealtfd tiy hisaots, and was there any impropriety Ih burying him ueoordhig to the ritual of the Order? DEPARTMENT NEWS. tTJho numaroiis roporls of Post elections occupy Roiiiuah spaoellmt Thu National. TiuiiuKn asks IU Grand Army oorreHpoiidontH to oxeusc the iMMVoidHbtc oouduubHtion of their letters. The TntnuHR desires to iiuhlinh all the now Postofllccrs, but tlie oniH'mouH pressure upon its columns leaves no alt ui native ns to other matter, A peck meamirc cannot be made to hold a bushel. Ei.
TuinuNK. A. M. Adams, Little Rook Oflleers of MePhnrson Post. JJo.
1 (Joiuiiiandur. Charles McCoy; S.V. Sainuoi Moyor; 3.V. Oiutrles Loymor; Q. Tiiomim L.Martin; Dr.
George Weeks; A. M. Adams; O. George Hafer; AilJt, Charlos ltomc. 11.
J. Sanborn, Hurley: Ofllcors or 15. S. McCook Post, No. 81: Commander, Win.
Elliott; S. V. J. II. Woods; J.
V.C., 11. J. Sanborn; Q. C. A.
Noar; O. 3.M. tiiilaliull; Adj't I. W. Dibble; O.
QMJAwis Clark; Robert Martin; B. Ilamglo; S.M.,Goo.Ueckon; Q.M.S.,Edgar Weed. Ollleorsof MnribsaPosl.No. 430, Belleville: Commandor. A.
Hoiining; S.V. C. T. B. Gray: J.V.
Henry Wolf; Q. II. P. Couch; W. E.
Holt; O. Jolin Krubs; O. Thomas Collins. Ed.Huilth.Alodo: Onioers of Warren Shedd Post, No. 202; GomniRiidor.
Win. A. Lorimor; S. V. C.
Ed. Sniilh; J.V. C.Bonj. F.Tudor; Q. J.
C. lliclioy; Bakor; B. Doughty; O. Hugh Morrison; Daniel Kennioult. ixilugates to btate JSuoampmcnl, John IJradv, J.
C. Sluhey; Alternates, F. Tudor, A. Wollivor. Ollleors of Muleansboro l'ost, No.
483, MoLoans-boro: Comniandor, II. Kipp; S. V. L. L.
Meador J. Irwin C. Kcudor; John Bayora; Dr. Lyon; A A. Hyatt; Jasper Guill; Jacob Wilson.
Dulogatc to the Stale EiKwmpmonl, Dr. M. Lyon. Oineersof Chauiiaigu County Post.No. 129, Ur-bana: Commander.
wine B. Smith; S.V.C 51. Hedges; J. V. Daniul C.
Ixing; Adj't. M. huydor; Q. Win. G.
Brown; Kobtirt M. Ilea; F. M. Haluh O. Martin M.
Harry; O.U., James I. Bulior; J. Thompion; i W. J. F.
Isvy. Dulogatc, P. E. Burke; Alternate, Id. B.
'Jlioiuphon. Olnvors of Dixon Post, No. 299, Dixon: Com-tnaudor. Ntli F. TJionms; S.
John Guthrie; J. V. J. W. Jenkins; L.
JL Andrews; Willimn P.iukhurst; o. John Merry-man: O. Owen Smith. Delegates lo the Donart-inout IliiOMinpnioHt, G. Q.
Member, H. Street, C. W. Lull mr; jUtoitiale, 15. Wornlok, J.
W. Joiikius, A. Onge. Julius ItUh TmA, Ko. B87, O'Fallon: (J.
Smiley; S. V. S. H. Boodle; J.
V. John 1Sh'o(; Ayt. Iritis Ilsohor; (I Jos. J-HUdgmf; U. W.
Hill; O. O. W. lilies; O. Wm.
Dunmeacl; S. H. Um-baiger. 3. A Preble.
KoWe of Noble Post, No. 2916: OoHiMtaitrfM-. M. J. Noe; ft.
V. J. A. Pro- bio: J.V. ClH.a.Itobons: J.
A. Palmer: O.D. O.GJ. V. AVharion: L.Bohvinor; W.
A. Hubbard: a. Foster. Gao. W.
Waters, Iwoll: Oflleora of Biirnliam Pom, No. 2T0: Oommniider, J. A. Olark V. J.
V. James Smulding O. C. 15. GlmfiM E.
R. Bacon; James F. Smith O. Edward Miohuel Q. C.
P. l'ost; AdjU.Giw. W. Waters; S. Wm.
Niohols, Q. M. Bonj. I'buurn. 8.
N. Juoltsoiiburg: Onioorsof Post No. 4M: Commander. W. H.
Dougherty Q. J. P. Dougherty Adj't. H.
Morris. W. II. Goldmiiith, New Salem Ofllcors of Post, No. 81, Rubtiville: Commander, M.
Sexton; S.V. J. V. G. Gwire; Q.
N. "Weoks; J. II. Man.y; J. ll.Spurior; O.
W. If. C. Goldsmith O. N.
Gautuer. C.L.T. Wyltes.Kokonio: Olheoii or T.J. Har-riHon Pont. No.
SO: Commandor, O. A. Homers; S. W. Price; V.
W. II. Sumption; 3. IH. atoss; ltov.
Robort McOuuu; O. fl5'Gorgc'W. Jhdneu; O. Luban Tunes; Q. S.lW.Sltadlelon, Worthingtoni Officers of Wor- thlngtnn PokU No.
01 Commander, D. N. McKcc; 8. V. M.
C. Taylor; J. V. C. D.
A. Foster; Q. James F. Cnniwell; Ephrnim Ilarrcll; Adj't, M.D.Ellis; Aaron Tally; O. C.
G. O. J. II. JoluibOii; a.
A. Ilarncs Q. M. J. W.
Middlclon. 15. It. Chase, Dnbnquc; Offleera of Post No. 78: Commander.
E. ILCIiiiho; S. V. L. M.
J. V.C., George Fonglcr; Charles O. Brown; George Moser; Adj't. W. P.
Dickinson; JohtiI. Davis; O. Henry oung; O. Clans Andres; Q. M.
S. T. Ilickok; ti. C. II.
Miller, Crrsco: Officers of Memorial Post, No. 21C: Commander. N. H. Durgin; S.
V. II. It. Khuniway; J.V.C..M. A.
Taft. Adj't, C. H. Miller; Q. J.
15. Peck; Jamca MeCol-Uini 0. George A. Shclllold; D. P.
Andrews; O. P. J. McCollow; S. Alexander Mcintosh Q.
M. E. riiomas. John Good in. ler.
Marble Itoclc: Ofllecrsof Mar-hleltoek J'oxt, No. SOS; Commander, J. W. Dar-land; S. V.
W. 11. Crnbtrcc; J. V. S.
J. Aek-ley; Adj't. John Goodiniller; O. II. G.
Hawks; O. S. IJoon; Itev.I). N. Thompson; James Connor; s-5.
C.T. Ackley; hamuel Sours; M. A. A. Egnetv.
A. W. iaruiouler. Perry: Ofliecrs of Itedfield Post, No. 20 Commander.
H. Keiiwnrthy; S. J. It. Miller; J.
V. C. J. M. Thoniburg; Adj't, A.
Pannenicr; S. Patigbum; tj. It, S. Cross; O. James Aldus; O.G., Isiuie Bolender; W.
A. G. W. Ilrigham. J.
Malcolm. CryMal: Omcera of Post No. I2j: Cominiinder, J. 11. Dennis; S.
V. James Speer; J. V. CJohn Malcotu; Adj't. J.
W. Hart; Q. William Itcady; James Brighten; O. 11., J. J.
Jordan; O. Q. Carpenter. Dolegato to the Department Encampment, C.C Wilson; Alteniate, Henry Kulk. J.
W. Lidiek, Sioux City Officers of B. F. Smith Pot.t, No. 22: Commander, Capl.
J. S. Iothrop; S. V. A.
B. White; J. V.C., J. Boyer; Adj't, G. C.
Sourls; Q. T. 1. Treadwoll: Dr. 11.
G. Wycoff; E. 1). Allen; 0. M.
M. Curies; O. M. 11. Ferris; S.
M.t J. W. Lidiek M. 11. O.
Harrow. Ollieom oflown City Post.No. 8. Iowa City Com-mnnder. W.
H. Goodrell; S. V. C. J.
H. Trurady; J. C. J. E.
Jaync; 0. E. G. Stephens; O. 11.
Toms; Q.M.,J.C.Sivilzcr: J.Bowen; Adj't, E. Cooler; S. E. A. Ballard.
Dele-gale to Slate Eneampmoiit, E. G. Fraekcr. Pobt in good shape 189 members. KANSAS.
E. B. Park, Osago Mission: Officers of O. K. Warron Post.No.
IH: Commander. E. 11. Crawford S. V.
C. Louis Doit; J. V. C. F.
P. Vest; Adj'l. 15. II. Park; Q.
W. P. Patten; C. 15. Steadmaii; J.
M. Boyce; 0. It. Judd; S. J.
A. Hulehmgs. S. Ofllecrsof Thompson Post, No. 24G: Commander, S.
Arnold; S. V. W. Rasp: J. V.
J. T. l.iinib; 0. II. M.
Watlc; Q. V. 11. Dewalt: J. J.
Colaman; O. B. Duffy; 12. G. Willinuib; Adj't, A.
Smith. Delegate. J. F. Wutson, J.
JI. Laugdou, Benton: Oflleers of Beck Po.t, No. 409: Commander, J. 12, Harding; S.V. II.
ljiiiRdon; J. V. B. F. Malhers; A.
G. Davis; T. M. Galcy; Q.M..Jas. Nmcome; O.
It. F. Moore; O. Jns. Parks; Adj't, W.W.
Patterson. On tho evening of Jan. 1 ive had a Camptirc and supper, which netted the Post about Geo. W. nctohcr, Caldwell: Oflleers of Upton l'ost, No.
27; Commander, D. L. Huntley; S.V. I). N.
Sayer; J. V. 1. N. Cooper; F.
W. Ktilnis; I. B. Gilmore: O. Henry ilc-Knight; Q.
Sim. Donaldson; O. N. A. Scribner.
Caleb Goln. While Cloud: Ofllocrs of Post No. 382: Commander. P. Kelley; S.
V. J. l'arkor; J. V. J.Utt; Adj't.
W. B. Sloan; 15. G. Pugley; O.
Win. Drum; O. C. Whitney; Q. J.
W. llampbler; S. Caleb Goin; O. J. Gubtail; M.
E. M. Cardner. KENTUCKY. A.
S. Cole, Fcaris: OnieeYs of Croxton Tost. No. 0: Commander, S. G.
Hillis; S. V. A.S. Cole; J. V.
A. H. Carr: Bev. Walker; O. Geo.
W.Bovard; Adj't, no. W. McEIroy; Q. T. F.
Guthrie; F. M. Henderson. Bepre-seutntives and Alternates to Department Encampment, 6. G.
Hillia, A. S. Cole, A. H. Carr, J.
W. McEIroy. C. C. Cross, Dockland: Officers of Edwin Libby l'ost.
No. 10: Commander. J. 15. Khodes; S.
V. T. C. Saundoi-s; J. V.
C. J. D. Witielow; Beuj. Williams; Itev.
1., L. Hauseouie; O. John H. Cables; Adi't, C. C.
Crons; Q. O. J. Conaiit; O. Frank W.
Ham; S. Bab-bidge; Q. M. W. W.
Ultncr. 15. S. Tozior. Oldlown Ollleors or S.J.
Oakes Pot, No. 121; Commandor, W. P. Jordan; S.V. C.
It. Stillings; J. V. George Harris; Q. T.
W. Torrey N. J. Hutch; D. W.
Morton; 0. T. J. Goodwin O. Go.
Clark Adj't, 15. S. Tozicr; S. It. E.
Lancaster; M. M. C. Truueli. MASSACHUSETTS.
Ollleors of Theodore L. Bonncy Post. Hanson: Commander, Jusiah G. Cook; S. V.
W. W. Hood; J. V.C..G.W. Turner; Q.
B. C. Ileal; A. D. Hutchinson; T- Bourne; O.
Charles At wood; O. Moore. Ollleors of David A. Russell Tfoi-t, No. 75, Whitman: Commander, Itufns Case; S.
V. S. W. Reed; J. V.
James 15. Bates; Dr. B. F. Habtiiirs: 15.
T.Cole: O.M..G. H. Pearson; O. Q. A.
Murritt O. Hnyden Trut-tec for thiec yoars, W. It. Vltilng. DAIegates to Department Convention, A.
C. Bingham, W. H. Gurnoy. OUleurs of Clias.
Ward Post. Ncwlon: Commandor, A. T. Sylvester; S. V.O..S.
S. Whitney; J. V. It. M.
Lucas; O. Langlcy: O. G. S. Woodhridge; Q.
F. S. Amidon; F. S. Chaw; J.
L. Sears S. C. Hills: Q.M. N.
Hyde, W. J. Holmes; Adj't, E. Bradbhaw. Oflioers of Post No.
08, Dorchester: Commander, B. Read Wales S. Wallace Kenney J. V. Waller E.Sivan; It.
B. l'alliey; E. C. Whitney; O. John B.
Burton; Q. 11 Jarvis Baker. M. L. Roekwoon, Hopklnlon: Officers of C.
C. Phillip Post, No. U-. Commander, Wilhird Clark; V. Miolmel F.
Danlmy; J. V. C. Oscar V. Gilford; Adi't, Mohos S.
Rockwood; Q. Henry E. Snow; m. II. Cliiokeriiig; T.N.
Drawbridge; O. 11. D. Smith; O. Michael Sullivan; S.
It. D. O'Briuc; Q. M. N.
H. Houghton. Delegate to Deparlineut Convention, M. S. Rockwood; Alternate, H.
D. Smith. Officers of Post No. 7, Boston Commuudcr, Geo. A.
J. Colgan S.V. Charles II. Whitney; J. V.
Miolmel O'Donnoil; Adj'l, Horace L. Worcester; Q.M., W. P. Putnam T. J.
Swallow JohuL.Stnrrott; O. Dennis Shea; O. Geo. Wilson: S. ThadLilUe; M.
William 1L Skiiniuings. Welton Van "Wagnon, Mllllngton: Oflleers of Win. Richardson Post, No. 214: Commander, John A. Case; S.V.
C. Elijah Howard; J.V. C. Win. N.
Storms; Adj't, Charles W. Burnham; Q.M., Alfred Biughnui; John H. Kiihoukc; O. L. A.
Tenney; O.G., Chrihtian Klst; S.M., J.T. Damon. J. A.Doekeray. Coral; Officers of Post No.
50: Commandor, E. Hanson; S.V.C.lLH.Strykcr; J.V.C..L. 11. Smith; Adj't, .1. A.
Dockeray; H. Cowdin; S. Belgravc; 0. S. Stewart; O.G., L.
C. Munroe; S.M., W.P. Jamson; Q. M. 0.
1'. Halo. 15. S. Wjiilconib, PonUnc: Oflleers of Dick Richardson l'ost.
No. 147: Commander, Wm. H. Morgans; S.V. Collins A.
Kelly J.V. C.Wm. Clical Adj'l, EuosS. Whileomb: Q. J.
D. Hammond; Frank B. Galbniith; Charles P. Morton; 0.1., Edward Coals; O. W.
E. Sprague; Henry Wlnklcy; Q. M. Samuel 11. Giles.
Eopi csoiitali ve to Department Encampment, David Scott; Alternate, J. D. Hammond. Ofnoors of U.S.Grant Post, No. 80, Edgerton: Commatidcr.
N. It. Braylon; S. V. John Pem-borlon; J.V.
Otis Rolfe; Q. M. M. Gunso-lus; C. A.
Oliver; O. D. D. Seargcnt; O. W.
S. Brown It. J. Bulls: S. A.
A. Dodge; M. Hiram Hall; Adj't, W. It. Terrill.
Jnmos F. Moore, Lathrop: Oflleers or Lorenzo W. Cooper Post, No. 81: Commuudcr, L. W.
Iee; S. V. T. J. Buchanan; J.
V. C. W. MeKalr; Adj't, Jas. F.
Moore; O. S. R. Holms; O. J.
It. Shrewsbury; Q. L. liennett: S. Matt Nioliolsoii; Q.
M. Robert Hays. Our Pobt held a rousing Cumpilre recently. A large audience wus present and un iiitcrcsling program wns rendered. After the exercibes a banquet was borved.
Z. F. Runibon, ICirksville: Ollieers of Corporal Dix l'ost. No. 22; Commander.
C. Hnrrls; S. V. M. F.
Strook; J. V. John Shaver; Q. Theo. Brigliam; Surg John Burton; San-ford Snyder; O.
Johu W. Tiusman; O. John Still. J. It.
Clcrihan, narrlsonvlllc: Ofllcors of Post Coinmander. W.J. Terrell; S. V. II.
C. Johnson; J.V.C.. Philip Corrigan; O. J. W.
Br.aan O. P. H. Taylor. J.
G.Burkhardt, Bethel: Oillcura of Geo. Miller Post, No. Commander. F. Ballxer; S.
V. J. P. GlaggoU; J. V.
J. Fmey; O. G. Whit-lock: O.G., It Barnos; Ci.M.,G. Burkhardt; Adj't, II.
If. Bonel; M. H. Boary; Geo. Latmorc; Q.
G. Vanosthal; S. S. Bair. Dillon.
Dorchoblor Oflleers of Coales Post, No. 107: Conimauder, S. S. Robtirt; S. V.
Geo. Wade; J. V. C. Wm.
Hoblot; Adj't. C. C. Gingery; Q. M.
P. Itaine; Dr. Win. It. Boldlng; V.
W. Haglor; O.l) Frank Miller; O. I. M. Johnson S.
Wm. IL Jones; Q. M. R. F.
Kueo. D. D. Wnlkor. Long Pine: Oflioers of Post No.
07: Coiuniinider, Stephen Payne; S. V. F. A. Whiltomore: J.
Ar. J. M. Mead; Adj't, D. D.
Wulker; Q. K. W. Blake; J. H.
Skinner; O. P. D. GrifTan; O. R.
S. Pettljohn; H. W. II. Magill M.
J. T. Dunn. NEW Ofiieoia of Bayard Post, No. 8, Trcnlon: Commander, Polcr J.
Edmond; S. V. William H. Benuell: J. V.
Augustus MejiboroII; i. Samuel E. Brauin; James F. Wuulworth; Adj't. Alljah Cox; O.
IK, John L. PoUh; I'lulip Bae.norj Charles Cnnipton; S. Anrou Iliiwkyurd; Q. M.S., Jacob Boohc; I. Joseph Cappoll: Philip Hngermun.
Repre-siiululives to Department Enuatnpnient, Aaron Hawkyurd, Jacob Boor.o, Henry It. Hurens; Alternates, George Vorhcobc, Jamcb Totton, J. D. Wil liams. NEW A.
O. Wolls. LeonardsvIHe: Oflioers of flcarlo O. Wells; S.V. Georgo "Wright; J.
V. C. William C. Bureh (L A. J.
AtiBttn Surg J. T. Stillinan; Itay G. Olurke; 0. 1X.S.
II. Collins; O. Lcwh, Samson. Ofllceie of Post No, 570, Smyrna: Commander, William II. Conibtook; S.
C. G. L. Widge; J. V.C, James T.l'urdlo; Q.
1. IX Wade; Adj't, C. DIkoii: A. IX Ferris; Rev. J.
F. Williams; O. IX, George W. Crumb; O. 15.
F. Smith; Q. M. W. D.
Warner; S. C. H. Stanton; I. Isaao Weaver.
Representative to the Department Encampment, E. F. Smith; Alternate, 1. Weaver. Olliccr of Poat No.
165. Troy: Commander, B. F. Page; S. V.
C. W. Edwards; J. V. C.
John Lust: William J. Lloyd Q. A. D. Mc-Conihc; Adj't, Walter Graham; O.
J. II. Conway; O. C. II.
Duslln; Q. M. Lawrcnco Moore; A. S. Michael Powers.
Oflleers of Chcbtcr Judson Post, No. 503. Montgomery: Commander. Henry J. Powell; S.V.C, Tompkins; J.
V. John N. Vauketircn; Amos Kaune; Q. Alvin Judson Judcon; O.l)., Jacob F. Oberbeck; O.
Thomas Hardin. Delegate, Charles II. Kannc. R. W.
Lovcjoy. Harpersvillc: Oflleers of Henry Williams Post, No. 150, Ninevah: Cimuiander, C. 12. McCrncken S.V.
C. A. Fern: J.V. C. J.
Peck-ham Adj't. R. W. Lovejoy Q. S.
Rowe: J. B. Simoson J. Hobbs; O. II.
E. Spencer: O. L. Sanders; S. Dickinson; Q.
M. S-. M. J. Hoyt.
Delegate. J. Hobbs; Alternate. P. Wilder.
Vi'o had an oyster supper on Christmas night and cleared S3S.71, with which wo propose to buy ling. C. D.Sjmi. Pavilion: Officers of John M. Hutch inson Post.
No. 213: Commander. E. W. Hoyt; S.
V. a D. Sapp; J. V. J.
C. Ward; Milo L. Ohiibted; Adj't, G. D. Whitney; Q.
Geo. C. Graves; O. JnmcsS. Fiero; Jos.
W. Dow; O. A. K. White.
Delegate to the Stato Encampment, Milo I Olmsted; Alternate, James W. Dow. F. M. Dcertvcstcr.
McComb: Officers of John Howaid I'ost. No. 151: Commander. L. C.
Wil- loughby; S.V. It. W. McCnrny J. V.
C. J. It. Porter; Adj't, F. M.
Deerwester; Q. Frank Olio; James Porter; W. D. Porter; 0. J.
Crumrine; O. J. D. Swnim; S. 1.
McEwen: Q. M.S., D. Priest. Oflleers of Post No. 140, Shelby: Commnndcr.
D. L. Cocklcy; S.V. Jacob Frecse; J.V. C.
Daniel W. Storer; Q. Colin P. Loiter; Isaac White; O. Samuel Whitney; John Chapman: O.
B.F.Brown; Adj't, John II. Leitcr; M. W. F. Sonenbtlne: S.
Thomas Welz. Oflleers of l'ost No. 4G0, Chillicolho: Commander, W. W. Rouse; S.
V. Ncfl; J. V. John Ebert; Adj'U Dumah Bartlctt; Q. GcorgeRose; N.
Spencer: N. Poller; O. James Wilkius; S. W. J.
Binkley; Q. M.S., Liberty Jinks. Oflleers ot Dlek Morris Post, No. 130, Gallon; Conunandcr.T. C.
Davis; S.V. C. M. A. Ricksicker; J.
V. J. I Day; Rev. J. Huntington; Adj't.
Morris Burns; Q. Reese: O. B.J. Aurand; O. James Jourdau; S.
John II. Abhliough; Q. M. Joseph Diday. John Stnrkey, Iroudale: Oflleers of Mcintosh Post, No.
4GG: Commander, John Slarkey; S. V. Crawford diss; J. V. Noble; O.
IX, John Grillilh; Rev. J. K. Shafer; CL Daniel Mcintosh; O. Thos.
Elliott; James 15. Paisley. Delegate, James E. Paisley; Alternate, Phil. McBano.
Oflleers of McMcens I'ost, No. 19. Sandusky: Commander. L. It.
Hawcs: S. V. V. W. Woodward; J.
V. a. Jos. T. Marshal; Edwin Gillard; O.
Ixiwis M. Lea A. W. Powers; O. Bcuj.
E. Deolcy; Q. Charles B. Dennis. A.
It. Mullcr. Van Wert: Oflleers of W. C. Scott Pobi.
No. 100: Commander, A. It. Mullen; S. V.
A. W. Webster; J. V. F.
West: J. A. Glcason; C. W. Wcb-dcr; O.
J. T. Wil-bon; Q. A. J.
Gleoson; Adj't, J. W. Lee; O. E. Diprey; S.
W. L. Itank; Q. M. It.
Io-hem. Delegate, J. W. Ieo Alternate, A.J. Bureh.
David Hubbard. Sabine: Oniccr.iof David Griffin No. 2SG: Coinmander. J.I. Stover; S.
V. C. D. Edwnnls; J. V.
R. IX Baker: Adj't. D. Hubbard; Q. Daniel Mills; O.
IX, C. L. Galla-her; O. C. M.
Robbins; M. Wilkinson; A.M. Grimtli. A. S.
RuMi, Bowling Green: Officers of Wiley Post, No. 40: Commander. Guy C. Nearing; S. V.
J. W. Canary J. V. C.
Jared Iiroo Geo. Walker; Martin Kramer; Q.M., J. R. Han-key; O. IX, Frank Vuncamp; O.
B. F. Cox. 4 Oflleers of Po-t No. 1C0, Philadelphia: Commander, Fred.
G. Adronson: S. V. Ed. G.
Car-pentcr; J. V. Ixiuis It. Bcrgmnn; Q. Win.
15. Robb; Jabcz Butterlield; Rev. Wui.H. Shcrnicr; O. IX, Geo.
W. Mnegregor; O. Geo. W. Jnckbon.
Trutccs, Wm. It. Williams, Wm. 12. Robb, 12.
G. Carpenter, Joseph Wanner and ThomaxII. Russell. Dclegsites, John H. Carenter; Alternates, Jabcz But-tciilold and Henry C.
Coates. Oflleers of I'orst No. 27, Philadelphia: Commander, Anthony MacMullcn; S. V. W.
Myers; J. V. E. T. Gullberry; Q.
Georgo Aruiblroug; 15. T. Cooper; Alex. Crofsberry; O. IX.
Joseph Armstrong; O. Drumtuond. O. of Geo. It.
Hart, Henry John-bou and JauiC't W. Lowe. Delegate, Whiting W. Kennard Alternate, George IL Hart. Oflleers or Post No.
(i3. Philadelphia: Commander. Wm. Bardsley; S. V.
Ralph Wellington; J. V. Win. F.Miller; Q.M.. Henry Decker; John V.
Sailor: John Marembcck O. IX, Bruner Kerns; O.G., Christian Hennlngton; Trustee, Albert A. Brandt, Delegates, Edwin Walton, Joseph W. Tyler, Henry Myers, Augustus Lukcrniid JohnL. Alower; Alternates, John Kettering, Wm.
Kee. Wm. Schutrctlcr, Jas. G. Miller mid John Whillock.
Oflleers of Post No. 77, Philadelphia: Commander. John IL Clark; S.V. C.Wm. F.
Johnson; J. V. Samuel Troth; Q. II. J.
Stager; O. Richard Brown; O. C.Wm. Gratz; Dr. Hazln; Rev.
J. Bowman. Cor J. 11. Cramer.
P. K. Reirbiiyder. G. W.
Wanl. O. Veith and II. Moyer. Delegate.
II. Stager; Alternate, Richard Brown. Officers or Post No. 18. Philadelphia: Commander, George F.
Mouingar: S.V. C. N. Sullivan; J.V.C, William Burns; John II. Mausur; Norman Harker; Charles Upton; O.
It. IL Mills; O.G., James Lee; O.S.,John Armstrong; Tnibtec, A. P. Greene. Delegate, John IL Mausur; Alternate, William Durum.
Ofllecrsof Post No. 33, Philadelphia: Commander, Johu Test; S. V.C., George W. Bishop; J. V.
Aug.W. Maiktr T. Neiuian Dr. Howard S. Campbell: O.
John J. Caesa-dy; O. C. John A. Boyd; Q.
James McCartney. Trustee, S. D. Franklin. Delegates, S.
D. Frmikliu.Wiliiam II. Irwin, and Jatnu McCartney; Alternates, Edmund Barnes, John J. Cossady, and A. -Specs Oflleers of Post No.
100. New Castle Commander, J. M. Vance; S. V.
W. P. Jackson; J. V. C.
F. F. Smith; i. M. C.
Itose; II. L. Bohl-man; J. K. Rayeu; O.
IX, W. S. Mitchell; O. Win. Joseph.
Delegates, O. L. Jackbon, Hiram Woods. A. L.
Hazeu, J. A. Gardner; Alternates, Daniel Norris, J. C. Stcveuson, Walter Fulton, and M.
R- McDowell. Oflleers of Post No. 149, Media: Commander, Thomas J. Dolphin S. V.
A. V. B. Smith J.V. C.ArohioGray; Dr.
Linueus Fucsell; Rev. W. IL Patlon; O. IX. Joseph Smith; O.
S. Worrall; O. John P. Oppcy. Delegates, James H.Wornill and A.V.
B. Smith. C. of Joseph W. Hawlcy.
Officers of Post No. 7, Philadelphia Commander, D. D. Snowdeii; S. V.
C.Wm. IL Wooters; J.V. Wm. McDcvitt; Q. Frank 15.
Snow; Henry Duflleld. Edgar Welch; O. IX, Charles Lutz; O. James Bunting. Delegates, Jacob Iverferts, Wm.
T. Shotc, Wm. IL Wooters. Thomas L. Golcher, Chris.
F. Gramllch. und Edgar Welch; Alternates, William Sulcr, William II. Brown, Lambert longshore, Charles Tompkins, James Glenn, and Patrick Lnhey. Officers of Post No.
12, Munnyunk: Commander, Montgomery Snyder Smith S. V. Thomas Baxter; J. V. Jacob Miller; Q.
Simon Nelson; Surg 0. D-, Richard Blundin; O.G., Thomai McI21haney; E. S. Sutch; O. Max.
Wuueh; Librarian. John Biglcr. Delegates, Henry A Koch and W. Clark Johnson; Alternates, John Hull and Thomas Baxter. Oflleers of Post No.
51, Jackson: Commander, C. C. Bookslavcr; S. V. O.
G. lirrabeo; J. V. Alouzo Bariett; Q. P.
K. Benson F. F. Slocum; O. W.
W. Ijirrabee; O. IX, C. II. Ebtabrook: 11.
Bentom. Officers or Post No. 300, I5dcn Commander, IL O. Bautn; S. V.
C. Daniel llackett; J. V. Theodore Bennett; (X O. Jaeoby; II.
C. Hellings; C. B. Molt; Adj't, P. M.
Minster; O. John C. Nolon: O. P. IX Williamson Post No.
10S, Elderlou Commander, John S. All-man S. V. A. Wood J.
V. J. M. Rankin Q. GeorgeShcalfer; O.
IX, I. S. Young; O. J. IL Houser; J.
O. Schrceongorjl; A. George. Delegate, H. liar grave; Alternate, P.
S. Young. Wilson Ncvcl. Proctor: Officers of Allen Q. Dodd Post, No.
525: Commander. F. S. Tomlhibon S.V. lUghtmire; J.
V. C. J. P. Webb; Wm.
Place; O. IX, J. Steinhilper; 11. G. Mix; H.
Xelglcr: Adj't, W. Novel; O. C. B. S.
Porter; S. IL J. Hakes; M.S., J. B. Relbsomc.
Officers of Post No. 300, Doylestowu Commander, Jacob Cleiumcns S. V. John Flack J. V.
Andrew Comiard; 0. S. Fries; Q. Evan J. Monis; O.
IX, Joseph M. Fulton; O. Rudolph Meyers; J. W. Knight; C.
of Henry Pierce. Delegate, II. G.Pierce; Alternate, Joseph M. Fulton. IX W.
Campbell, Saxonburg: Officers of Post No. 105: Commander, 15. Anderson; S. V. A.
G. Morrison; J. V. IX W. Campbell; Q.
Alex. Mitchell: O. IX. Win. Eugniluger: J.
II. Sut ton; O. G.t A. B. Richey.
Dolegato to Department Encampment, A. B. Richey. Officers of Burusido Pout, No. 8, Washington: Conimauder, Dan.
A. Grosvenor; S.V. A. J. Iluntoon; J.
V. Arthur Hendricks; Charles T. Gardner; Q. It. S.
Lacey C. V. Petloys; O. C. V.
Haskell; O. O. II. Ross. N.
S. Rogers, Newport Center: Officers or Alexander Post: Commander, N. 8. Rogers; S.V.C, II. Drown; J.
V. C. IX J. Perkins; Adj't. S.
Moulton: L. Erwin; S.O.Whipple; Q. Fied Riley: O. IX. J.
G.Stickney; O. John Iibreo; S. C. Spaulding; Q. M.
George M. Drake; If. Cook. Delegate to the Jleparlmeni ur. v.
u. iirwin; Alter-natc, J. Perkins. WASHINGTON F. B.
Morse. Walla Walla: Officers or Warren Post, No.28fCominander, William J. Druuihlll; S.V.C, Alfred Nouck; J.V. C. Jasper S.
Cox; Adj't, Frank B. Morse; Q. Jo-cph II. Paul; II. Sniff Itev.
Henry Brown; O. 11. O. Simonds; O. George Bowers.
WEST IX W. Welsh. Parkersburg: Offlcfrs of Andrew Mather I'ost, No. 11: Commander. Moses Pitcher; S.
V. Jordon McKeo; J. V. C. W.S.
Klines; Adj't, IX W. Welsh; Q. Georgo K. Mallory; M. V.Traugh; IL B.Taylor; O.
15. S. Haddox: O. Lindon Bat ton; S. T.
G. Field; Q. M. J. 1 Buckley.
Delegates to Da-iiarliiient Encampment, T. G. Field. IX W. Welsh, H.
F. Shaw, W. Leonard, and J. L. Buckley; Alternates, O.
M. Clctnons. M. V. Traugli, Van II.
Bukcy, John Hogan nud Jordon McKee. II. Goodnow, Wcyauwoga: Officers of Andrew Chambers Post, No. Ih0: Commander, P. It.
Van Eppes S. V. 15. 15. Ensign J.
V. Al. Smith M. Sweet; Adi't, D. Waller; Q.
C. H. Goodnow; O. J. Rlioda; O.
IX Duck; O. A. Kith; Q. L. Howard; S.
B. Vincent. RELIEF GORRS NEWS. Gleanings from National HeaQfinar-tcrs Notes from tlie Departments. UEADQUAitTEna Woman's Kelikp Corps San Francisco, Cal.
EuzAunnt D'A. Kinni National PrcsIdenL NtixiKG. Backus, National Secretary. TOY IS IT SHCBET? Dhau TmnnsE: I would like to know what credentials a woman must have to bo eligible to membership in the W.ILC; also, why is it a secret organization? Neither the old volunteer army, nor our Remilar Arm v. nor the militia are secret in any sense, nnd no one could join the G.A.IL but a iKiua-fldc soldier.
You know there are some religious denominations who prohibit secret oath. 1. The following is from ArL IV, Chap. 1, Rules and Regulations, W.ILC: "Women of good moral character and correct deportment in tho communities iu which they live, who have not given aid and comfort to the enemies of tho Union, who would perpetuate the principles to which this association stands pledged, nud who have attained the age of 10 years, shall be eligible to membership in tho Woman's Relief Corps." 2. The Woman's Relief Corps is not a military organization, but has forms nnd ceremonies for purposes of better discipline, system nnd order.
No oath is taken at Initiation; the candidato simply promises on her word of honor ns a woman not to reveal the work of Iho Corps, such as tho names of persons to whom relief is administered, nnd other Christian work, more effective when done without pomp and parade. There Is nothing in it to which tho most devout Christian could object. Editoii Relief Coin's. SYMPATHY FOR MRS. LOOAN.
From all parts ofthe country Mrs. Logan has received sympathy from Corps nnd Departments. Following is from tho Department of Iowa, Clara E. Nichols. Department President; Mnggio Monroe.
Department Secretary llEADCi'iu) Department op Iowa, WJLC, 1 Des Moines. Iowa. Dec. 29. lbSCJ Dear Mks.
Logan: In behalf of the thousands of noble, loyal-hearted women banded togelhcr in Iowa Department of Woman's Relief Corps, wo tender to you and your bereaved family the tcn-dcrcst, heartfelt sympathy in this your great affliction. Wo fully realize that our volunteer soldiers have lost their truest friend and champion, and that justice and right havu been deprived of one or their ablest, most fearless defenders. To Iowa soldiers and their families nnd tho old members of our Order throughout the State Gen. Logan and his wife were held in highest reverence and loving esteem for were thoy not our friends? And with ono accord our heads are bowed in borrow for.tho loss wo sustain, nnd for the greater bereavement which has come to you, our dearly-bclovcd sister. General Orders.
No. 3. Department or "Washington Territory. W.ILC. Viola A.
Kcnyon, Depart ment President, and LlzzloIL Herrick, Department Secretary, read as follows: Tho merry chimes of tho Christmas bellshavo been turned into notes of sorrow; for again Nation mourns hero dead. John A. Logan, tho brave defender of his country, the honored btntcsinan, the loved comrade, is dead. As an auxiliary to the Grand Army of tho Republic, it ii lilting that the members of the Woman's Relief Corps should unite with them in expressions or sorrow for the noble dead, and iu extending to our licreaved sister, Mrs. Mary A.
Logan, nnd her children, our heartfelt sympathy and lovhigrespect in her terrible bereavement. As fitting tributo of our respect nnd love, the charters of all Corps iu this shall bo draped in mourning for ft period of 00 days, and nt some regular meeting soon afler tho roceipt of this order all Corps shall bclupartuu hour for special services in memory of his life and services to his country. General Orders, No. 3, Deportment of Massachusetts, Mrs.S. Agnes Parker, Department President, and Miss Mnry E.
Elliott, Department Secretary, contain the following: Wo recognize in the death of Gen. John A. Logan the loss of loyal friend in our work, nnd we unite with the Grand Army of the Republic and other friends of patriotism throughout the country in expressing our sinccrest sympathy to his widow, who is an honored member of the Woman's Relief Corns. An engrossed copy of the following resolution, passed by Bradford Relief Corns, No. 13, auxiliary to Bmdford l'ost.
No. 141, O.A.R., nnd signed by Mary A. Wallace, Mary E. Davis and Susan Karns as committee, has been forwarded to Mrs. Logan Whereas onco again nn order has been sent forth by the Great Commandcrof till, this time summon-iugGcn.
John A. Logan from tho ranksof thcGrnnd Army below to those above, and we are' once more reminded of tho fact thnt the membership of this noble Order is being rnpid'4' depicted and that we ns members of the Relief Corps auxiliary thereto, hhould feci more nud more tho importance or our work, that wo should with moro carnea-itncis and with moro zeal labor for the cause wo bnvo espoused, that of thofcoldieraml those dependent on him. In Ills death tho Woman's Relief Corps loses ono of its truest friends nnd most ardent supporters, as is shown by tho following quotation from his own words 1 can speak from experience. I was once a sufferer on the Held of battle and long afterward, and everv morn 1 could feel ns if a silver cord was twined around capslnti iu the regions or glory and reached to my heart where it was anchored by the hand of woman. 1 heir nanus are so coiiuecleu with tho hand or divinity that man without them would be barbarian.
And to tho Grand Army let me bay let the time never come when you will contemplate the separation or the Relief Corps from tho Grand Army. As the poor old soldier goes lotteritig down the road oflilu to meet death nothing can cheer him on as ran the ministrations of woman in charity. So also does the widow or the boldier who has gone before need the consoling influence that woman alone can give, and 1 thank God ns a member or thu Grand Army that ho has brought to tho front this auxiliary." These words, with the memory or John A. Logan, will ever beau incentive for us to labor zealously for those whom ho so loved. Jicsolvtd, That wo hereby tender our sympathy to the Grand Army of tho itepublic in the great loss it has sustained In the death of this itsbtauchest friend nnd comrade, nnd may each remaining comrade rlrlvu to emuluto his virtues, so that when their summons comes to "go up higher" it may bo fiaid of them as it is of luui, "he was an honest man." JUsotced, Thnt words fail lo express our sympathy nnd sorrow for tho family of our deceased friend, and especially for our beloved nnd honored bister, Mnry A.
Ixigiin, iu her j.reat bereavement by tho death of her husband, nud can only pray thnt lie who hath raid. Whcu'thou passeth through the waters I will bo with thee, nnd through tho rivers they shall not overflow thee," may sustain her In this dark hour or borrow and affliction. GOOD WISUES FOR TUB YrTTKRANS. The Indies of Oasakls, are organizing Corps auxiliary to l'ost 141. In September Inst the ladles tendered the l'ost an elegant supper and at tho conclusion presented them with beautiful ellk banner.
The following Now Year's song was dedicated to the Post by Mrs. Ada Johnson A song, a bong for tho coming New Year I Brlinr ioy.briue: comfort and bring us good cheer; Mny our homes be sweet anil our farms well tilled, Our purses nil full, our cellars well filled May husbands bo kind and lovers be true. Our pathway with love and flowers bestrew From earthquakes and cyclones may earth be free, Anarchists, strikers iu quietude be. And tiring u.q no sound of tcrrlldo war, With roar of eaiiuon, from near or from far; May villains ho made all our laws to fear. And letua not vote for whisky and hour.
Proudly and grandly let our emblem float, And bafcly tteer the ItepuhlU-uti hoat. With many kind wishw I hid you good cheer And wish you all many a happy Now Year. Department fllcnulnzs. DEPARTMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA. Beau TuinuNn: Tho Department President has made olllclul viaild to nioit of lio Corps of the Slate, and they have heen greatly strengthened hy her instructions nnd encourairlntf words.
Frequently tho leading ladica of tho placv, who have not conio into tho Order are invited to meet her, and she explains to them tho purpojerf of thu organization with audi clearness and force that they arc nt onco brought into the work. Col. J. V. McLnnc Corps, No.
CO, Union City, was instituted Jan. 1 by Mrs, Sherman, or Hrndford. In the evening joint Installation wa.i hold, and after tho Pot olilcera had been installed Mrn. Sherman itiblidled tho following otlloora of tho Corps: Kmlly 12. Lyons; 8.V.-P,, Phudic M.Lnmphier; J.
Olivia Harris; Airy Fauwtt; Jane II. Bishop; Hurrlet OrilHth; Mary Jano Tryon; A. Margaret Church; IxMlema Mannas; A. Ellen E. Goodnough.
Thirtv-eicht members. A reception was given Mrs. Wlttcnmyer, Department President, at Heaver Falls Dec. '1. A largo number or the O.A.It.
comrades, tho W.ILC. and other citizens called on Iter to pay their respects. The W.ILC. of Krio h.u rendered good service by making cloth fclipcra and chair cushions for tho hospital patients at tho Soldiers' Home. Tlio inaction of Corps has been very thorough, and tho work is now nearly completed.
The greatest goodwill ami harmony prevnils throughout tho Department among ollieers and membcrx, nnd tho Btcady growth or the Order continues nnd the heat women of the State are coming into the work. Tlio Department Convention of tho W.1CC. meets at Ilarrhburg Feb. 8 and iu the hall of tho Y. M.
C. A. There will ho a large attendance. The W.K.C. of Corry were delighted to secure Mrs.
Wlttenmyor to install tho oflleers at tho joint meeting of Post and Corps Jan. and to give uonio of her reminiscences to an open meeting. DEPARTMENT or MICHIGAN. DiuuTmnuKE: Wo had the pleasure of attending a G.A.IL and Relief Corns Fair nt Dattlo Crcok iu l)eeetnler. Theso fairs have been held fornev-cral Winter, but iu greater and finer display, and in moro general intercut this fair far surpassed the other.
They are conduoted for tho replenishing ofthe relief fund, nnd when thoSiipcriiitendent of tho Poor for Cilhuun County announced, Ctiblio address, that In all thu cases thatcamoto Im for aid, he had never yet becu asked to help either a soldier or his family, it spoko well for tho organization nt Battle Creek, and they never menn that these their brothers and comrades, who stood shoulder to shoulder with them and preserved us intact as a Nation shall ever receive alms from tho hands of the Poormaster. Never; they will divide their last meal and share their lost blanket ero it shall bo done. The Relief Corps, ably presided over by Mrs. Roberts, is the strong right arm of the project. They spare neither time nor strength In the work; but with tho flimo spirit of love for the cause, ns was shown in '61, they work for tho flag and Its defenders.
One very pleasant feature of the fair was the presence of Col. Gill, of tho 24th a rebel, who fought as well during the war, but who is now loyal to the flag that bears the stripes and stars. He addressed the meeting In an ablo manner, nnd sang Southern war songs nnd plantation melodies. He was introduced and presented to tho audience by Hon. Perry Mayo, who said he had seen the Colonel when thu meeting was not so pleasant, as they had fought each other hard on several battlefields, but they now struck hands and greeted each other as friend nnd brother.
Mrs. Perry Mayo. DEPARTMENT OF COLORADO. Dear Trimjnk: Wo want tho world to know thnt Veteran Corps is not a whit behind their Eastern sisters in tlie work of providing for the old soldiers nnd their families. In her eloquent address as our retiring President Mrs.
Oiive llogle spoke as follows. "At tho close of the year 18. we had 33 members, with relief fund of $23. and had spent since organization in July 230 for relief work. Today we number 72 members, with SI0 in the treasury, and have disbursed in money, clothintr and provision about SIOO during tho year just closed; so you readily perceive our work as well as our Order is rapidly growing, and I sincerely hope its prosperity may continue, for each parsing year brings moro need or help to nil soldiers and their families.
At the regular meeting of Veteran Corps, No. 14. there were installed the following officers: President. Mrs. II.
T. Todd; S. Mrs. K. Mo-Gill; J.V.-P., Mrs.
Webster; M. J. Handy-side; Cor. Olive Hogle; Mrs. II.
Jennings; Mrs. Stergeon; Mrs. More-head; Ass't Mrs. Ilagus; Mrs. Blodgett; Ass't Mrs.
Nenl. Tho Installation exercises were ably and Impressively conducted by William Whist, Commander of Veteran Post, No. 12, G.A.IL DAUGHTERS OF VETERANS. Dear Tribune: Tho new year will bo busy one nt these headquarters, judging from the amount of mail coming nnd going each day, but the duty is pleasant otic, and ns we arc not only giving instruction but receiving many useful and valuable hints regarding our grand und noblo work. A letter from the Lieutenant Commander-in-Chief is nt hand, giving a description of the uniforms adopted by tho St.
Paul Camp. Minnesota, as follows: Full skirt, three tucks nnd a four inch hem with a plain waist. This is made of dark blue flannel; cutis, collars nnd bodice of the light blue, with brass buttons nnd gilt cord. Caps to match, witli D. of V.
No. 1. on the front. Success is sure with such earnest workers as this band of bisters. Other Camps will soon be organized in New York and California, nlso in Minnesota.
A very interesting letter from the Division Adj't, S. of J. was yesterday received at these headquarters, bidding us go on in our work, nnd offering any assistance we mny need. I desire to thank him nud other members of thnt Order we nil love so well for their kindness. Mny God's blessing rest upon their every good deed.
A roster of National Staff will be forwarded soon. A joint installation of John A. Dix l'ost nnd Corps, Loyal League, ami Kate B. Sherwood Camp, D. of was held in G.A.IL Hall last evening.
Refreshments were served and the merry party broke up at late hour. Camp is officered as follows: Carrie Hail stone First Efllo Woodward; Second LillioSenelser; Q. Bcttio Huey; Ruth Polaskl; M. Lottie Morphy Currie Dttgdell; Cusie Bellengall; S. Ethel Tuylor C.
Emma Lauk. Garden City." ALL ALONG THE LIXE. Mrs. Ncllio Sprague, Corresponding Secretary cf Amos Steele Relief Corps.No. 72, Muskegon.
writes that tlie Corps commenced the year with S70 in the treasury, grand woman for President and with Onward" for their motto. The Corps is officered as follows: President, Mrs. Susie Atkins; S. Sirs. Sarah 11.
Connolly; J. Mrs. Mnry J. Harris; Mrs. Nellie Plucws; Mrs.
Elccty Wixon; Mrs. Nelly Sprague; Cond'r, Mrs. Flora Cox: Guard, Mrs. Marin Lee; Ass't Cond'r, Mrs. Amelia Hugliston Ass't Guard, Mrs.
Mary J. Hoy. Gregg Corps, No. 33, Homer, is one of the lively Corps of tho Wolverine State. Last Spring they presented nn elegant silk banner to their l'ost, Mrs.
Budon, the S. making the Sresentnliou speech, to which Commander Marsh riefly responded. In November they gave a surprise lunch to the Post, ou which occasion the S. or tho Corps was presented with an elegant silver cake-basket. They do a great amount of charity work, and have just completed red, white and blue quilt, which will be sold.
The Officers for the ensuing year are: Mary Green; S. V. Mrs. Murray: J. V.
Sarah Green; Mrs. Champion More ton; Mrs. Harrow; Guard, Mrs. Wells. Delegate to to tho Convention, Mrs.
Alternate. Mrs. Spaydo Members of the Convention, Post Presidents Mrs. Murray ami Mrs. Budon.
David Mcintosh W.ILC. No. 09. and Post No. 327, Ravenna, held joint Cumpilre on the evening of Dec.
17th. Hazlctt Relief Corps. No. 11, Zanesville. is one of the grand working Corps of the Buckeye Stnto.
As recognition of what they are doing for tlie poor nnd needy. Col. Boone, General Manager bf the 55., Mt. V. Jc M.
IL presented the Corps with cheek for S100, with instructions to draw on him every three months for a similar amount. At joint Cumpliro of ILizlett Post nnd Corps, Zanesville, Mrs. Hannah M. Leslie, Corresponding Secretary, read an interesting paper on Woman's Work in the Sauitnry Commission of the "War." Mary A. McCounelly, Past President Crapo Corps, No.
2J, Flint, the officers of her Corps, II. P. Niles Corps, No. 90, at New Lathrop, and Owasso W.ILC, at Owasso. The Corps at Flint and New Lathrop held a joint installation with their Posts'.
Mrs. MeConnelly also instituted U. S. Grant Corps, No. 07, at Bay City.
Tho following tiro the officers for the ensuing year of the Corps nt Lcmars, Iowa: President, Mrs. Dell E. Garner S. Mrs. Melinda Slehblns; J.
E. R. Patch; Mrs. Jennie Martin; Mrs. Mary Mrs.
Jennie Fuller; Mrs. Ida Partridge; A. Mrs. Mary L. Dal ton; Ellen Ilauhus; A.
Miss Mary IJlnginheimer. Mrs. Patch, Junior Vico President. Tho ladies of Jumcs Price Kelfef Corps, No. 80, Westervillo, held a successful holiday art loan exhibition and bazaar.
Tho officers forlbbTnre: Mrs. Clara I. Lnndon; S. Mrs. S.M.
Fllekhiger; J. A. Seeds; Mrs. llattie Adams; Mrs. C.
Merchant; Mrs. Kato Noble; Mrs. Quinne Itauuey. Tho ladles of the W.ILC. Urodhead.
Mrs. Eleanor Stone President, recently surprised Wesley W. Pultun Post, G.A.IL, with present of 875, and Itrodlicnd Cornet Daud, for many favors extended, with S10. Mrs. Gertie Kogers, Department President, was present, and made au interesting speech.
The officers of Kent. W.TLC, are President, Mrs. M. A. Ilaught; S.V.-P., Mrs.
F. IL Vickers; J.V.-P.. Mrs. J. P.
Hall; Mrs. A. II. Stutz-tnau; Mrs. M.
11. Irvin; Mrsu M. J. Thomas; A.G., Mrs. II.
M. Foltz; Miss Ilulda Stoker; A.C., Mrs. A. C. Shownltcr.
Mrs. Sarah M. E. Hnttels, Department President of Ohio, has appointed the following ladies to cooperate with a committee of appointed by Col. A.
Conger, Department Commander, G.A.IL, to furnish the apartments of the Soldiers Home in processor erection: MaryE. Bancroft, Co lumbus; iClnute V. Holiday, btcubenvtue; uora Day Young, Toledo; Louise M. Roland, Cleveland; Mary C. Wentzel, Cincinnati.
Committee from G.A.IL: Comrades IL B. Brown. Zanesville; T.T. Dill. Manslleld W.
I. Orr. Piqua; J. F. Mack, Sandusky; J.
L. Cameron. Marysvillo. Tho members of Ishmacl G. White Relief Corps, of Washington, Iowa, have had their photograplis taken in a group and sent to the Department President.
They nro a line looking body of ladies. The Department President or Iowa. Mrs. Sarah Nichols, has been quite ill. She has received many kind messages ft-oni the Corps.
She is one or tho grand women of the Order, and Is greatly beloved. Twenty-nlno Corps have been organized during Mrs. Nichols's administration. Mrs. C.
L. Sutton, who has served very acceptably as President of Corps, No. 9. Mnrslialltown. Iowa, has been succeeded by Mrs.
Brown, late Secretary. Both ladies nro very popular, and the Corps continue In a flourishing condition. Tho installation of officers of Wells, W.ILC, Columbus, was a very interesting occasion, at which tlmo Mrs. Mary E. Bancroft, Department S.
the retiring President, was presented with a beautiful badge, on behalf of the Corps. A delightful program was carried out. Nancy J. Brown, Calvin, Cass will write to Mrs. Mary (J.
Hinds, Department President. Stanton. for information iu organizing Relief Corps, nnd to Mrs. Sarah M. Steele, Cam-inaudcr in Chief, Daughters of Veterans, San Jose, for information concerning a Camp of Daughters.
The eighth annual Convention of the Department of Massachusetts Woman's Relief Corps, will bo hold at John A. Andrew Hall, No. 1151 Washington street, Boston, tho 27th and 23th of ISS7, for the annual election of officers und the transaction of all business properly coming before tho Convention. On the evening of the 27th. the Corps will hold a reception nt Horticultural Hall.
Commander in Chief Lucius Falrchlld will be in attendance. It was Annie G. Casscll, Jacksonville, 111., who nsked tho authorship of a quotation, December 30. To this Eva Bowley, Olathe, makes reply, as correct quotation is, "iMgiii urew her sable curtain down and pinned It with a star." Tho author is Clarke, an American poet. Moses Wisner Belief Corps, No.
90, was organized Oct. 15, by Mrs. Bertha Smith, with 18 charter members, when the following officers were elected President, Mrs. Sara L. Brown: S.
Mrs. Nancy M. Say Ics; J. Mrs. Hannah E.
Bcas-ley; Mrs. Russell; Mrs. Jennie A. Richardson; Mrs. Artie Bowen; Mrs.
Fanny Hough; Mrs. Phebo J.Sutliir; A. Mrs. Amanda M. MeMannls; A.
Mrs. Carrie BoHtwick. Tlio Corps is llouriuhing; has a relier fund, nnd is doing good work. In December they gave a reception to Wiatycr Post, which numbers 230 members. A joint Installation of Canton Post, No.
25, and Canton Corps, No. 4, Canton, was held on a recent evening, after which a nice supper was served by tho ladies lu the banquet hall, followed by a pleasant reception, which lasted until midnight. The Relief Association, Cnnton, organized for the care of all the city poor. Is ably presided over by Mrs. Ada F.
Clark. Past Department Secretary, WJLC Their work Is extended to soldiers families also. 13or which receivedaidfromthem the past year. Mrs. Clark has marked executive ability, and Is supported by an able corps of officers.
This Is one of a chain or associated charities which has been successfully organized In Ohio. Mrs. Angollne Martin, President of Collycr Corps, No, 47, Collyer, Instituted Frego Corps, No. 26.5 87 BOTTLES OF Warner's Sold, to Dec. 27, 1886.
No Other Remedy in the Woridi Can) Produce Such a Record. This -wonderfnl success of Safe Cnrc" is dne wholly to the real! meritiof the Remedy. For a lon time it has been REGARDED BY THE HIGHEST MEDIGAH AUTHORITIES AS THE ONLY SPECIFIC FOR KIDNEY. LIVER AND URMART DISEASES AND FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Thousands of people owe their life and health to Warner's Safe Care" andlwecan) produce 100,000 TESTIMONIALS to that effect Eead the following and note the large number of hottIe3 distributed: these figures to he correct, a3 our salea-books will prove.
BOSTON 1,149,122 EDWIN HENDERSON (1306 Arch Philadelphia, had five different doctors for enlargement ot the prostate gland; three said he could not be cured. After having given himself up he began the use of Warner's Safe Cure, and nine bottles cured him. PROVIDENCE 171,929 H. D. THAYER (5G3 Lexington St, Baltimore, afflicted with Jjiver disease which covered his face with blotches.
Having tried every remedy of physicians in vain, began the use of Warner's Safe Cure, "I have no more symptoms of PORTLAND, ME. 441,105 EX-SENATOR B. K. BRUCE (South Carolina), after doctoring lor years for what he supposed was Malaria, discovered he was afflicted with Sugar Iiabetes, and having obtained no relief whatever from his physicians, he began the use of Warner's SAFE Diabetes Cure, and he says: "My friends are astonished at my improvement" BAL. OF NEW ENG.
441,753 LIZZIE S. BRUNNER (New Texas, was for three years an invalid; confined to her bed for nine months. Under the treatment of four different physicians, for various diseases. Every organ in her body was apparently diseased. She finally discovered that she was suffering from congestion ofthe Liver, as the prime cause, and after using sixty-four bottles of Warner's Safe Cure, thirty bottles of Warner's Safe Nervine and Safe Pills, she writes.
"To-day I enjoy good health." NEW YORE STATE 3,870,773 ml CrlT? Jl jfeNM -r'tfa'--; "r7j.v- I ASK YOUR FIUEXDS AND NEIGHBORS ABOUT WABWEH'g THE MOST POPULAR REMEDY EVER DISCOVERED. CLEVELAND 682,632 MRS. (PROF.) E. J. WOLF (Gettysburg.
Wife ofthe Ed. of the Lutheran Quurterly) began to decline with Pulmonary Consumption. (Over 50 per cent, of all cases of Consumption arc caused by diseased kidneys.) Dcspnlred of livingr. After a thorough courso of treatment with Warner's Safe Cure, she writes, "1 am perfectly AVell." CINCINNATI 873,667 SENATOR W. B.
MILLER (Cape May N. certified with pleasure to tlie beneficial effects upon his wife of Warner's Safe Cure when other remedies had no result. BAL. OHIO STATE 633,153 MISS Z. L.
BOARDMAN (Queehee, in May. 1882. began to bloat, thence came stomach trouble, terrible headache, and finally the doctor's opinion thnt it was Bright's, nnd incurable. Eventually she became nearly lillnd, pronounced by the doctors to be the Inst stage of Bright's disease. After having been under treatment by Warner's Safe Cure for one year, she reported, "I am as well as any one." SOUTHERN STATES 3,534,017 MRS.
J. T. IUTCHEY (562 1th Louisville, wa3 a confirmed invalid for eleven years, just living, and hourly expecting death. Was conllued to bed ten months each year. Was attended by the best physicians.
Her left side was paralyzed. Could neither cat, sleep, nor enjoy life. The doctors said she was troubled with female complaints; butane was satisfied her kidneys were affected. Under the operation of Wurner's Sake Cureshe passed a large stone or calculus, and in 18b5, reported, "Am today as well as wheu a girl." CANADA 1,467,824 jSSTEvery Testimonial we publish is genuine. TVrite to tlie testa-' tors, enclosing: stamp for reply, and learn lor yourselves.
110, of Wakeeny. Frego County, Dec. 10, 18SC: M. P.Hannn; S.V.-P.,Mrs.M.U.Pink-ham; J.V.-P. Mrs.
G.Kyle; Sec.Mrs. M.IIutzel; D.Eachcr; Friofc; Miss K. Kritchtleld; A. Miss L. Harrison; Miss E.
Escher. Tho Corps began with mueh enthusiasm, and promises to work some bencflciul reforms for its l'ost. The annual election of Collyer Corps, No. Collyer. resulted in the selection of nuiny new officers Mrs.
B. York; S. Mrs. L.Sperry; J.V.-P.. Mrs.
G.Larson; Sec, Miss G. Slickney; Mrs. II. Robb; Mrs. E.
Richards: P.KessIer; Mrs. J.Burns. Mrs. A. Martin, the retiring President, has faithfully performed the duties of that office since the organization of the Corps in the Fall of 131, ami declined a re-election.
The President-elect is also a charter member, and as Senior Vico and Chairman of the Executive Committee hns nided 3Irs. President Martin greatly In the general and financial work of the Corps. Collyer Post and Corps nre jointly Incorporated under tho Stato laws, to hold hall and Jther property necessary to tho societies. EX-PRISONERS OF WAR. OHIO.
Editor National Tribune The ex-TJnion Prisoners, of War Association, of Toledo held their aunual meeting in. tho Trobato Judge's oflico at the court-lionsc, Thursday, Gth, and elected tho following officers for tho ensuing years: Georgo W. Vrooman J. W. Greeno; J.
W.Kiugj Secy, J. F. Hollinger. Executive Committee, D. P.
Cham-berland, S. S. Catifield, J.W. Erownberger, A. K.
Wickham, Robert E. Newton. Delegates to Sfato Association, S. S. Canfiold, JVW.Browns-borgor, J.
W. Greeno. Alternates, D. P.Chara-bcrlin, J. W.
King, J. F. Holliger. A rogister of ox-prisoners now in tho hands of tho Secretary will soon find a permanent placo among the relics in Lucas County's boautifnl Soldiers' Memorial Building. Tho association also placed in Memorial Building a tablet with inscriptions of tho most important prisons thereon, at a cost of $35, from tho funds on hand from tho Kounion of Oct.
1 and 2, 1370. Appropriate resolutions were passed on tho death of Gen. John A. Lo'an. J.
F. Holligek, Toledo, 0. Attention. Peter 3IcCullough, No. 130 Hillside Avenue, Indianapolis, wants to find somo of tho late members of the U.
S. S. Tensis. 335 5 Cure "We guarantee) PENNSYLVANIA REV. LODIS HEIMA1ILLER (Blnghamton N.
said his wife was in a precarious conriitSoufrom constitutional female disorder, but atter using a few bottlesi of Warner's Safe Cure she was restored to "perfect health. CHICAGO 2,308,693 JOHN M. RUNBAUGH (Delmont, after having been ill more or les3 for. twenty-three years with Chronic Diarrhoea, contracted in the army, was fully restored to health by ten bottles of Warner's Safe Cure. DETROIT MRS.
O. BxVTES (Gaines. in 1885 was afflicted with stomach disorder, but nnder the operation of Warner's Safe Cure and "Warner's Tippecanoe, the Best," she says, "I have been perfectly healthy ever since." MILWAUKEE 458,894 J. D. A.
POHLE, M. (759 Michigan St Buffalo, N. reports curing a case of Bright's disease by means of Warner's Safe Cure. He prescribes it regularly. MINNESOTA 648,017 CAPT.
GEO. B. WILTBANK (919 Spruce prostrated in Central1. America, with Malarial Fevar, caused! by congestion of Kidneys and Liver. Ielirious part of the time.
liver enlarged one-third. Stomach badly affected. Conld hold no food aven water was ejected. Using less than a dozen bottles of Warner's Safe Cure he writes, "I was completely cured." BAL. N.
W. STATES 1,767,149 SAFE CUBE, iSSraSKSa ST. LOUIS 1,530,527 W.B. BARGY (Rochester, N. Y.l.ln 1883 had a 7 year old daughter who complained of blindness.
Siie then wasted away to a skeleton; a hard swellingappenred upon her loft side which nearly equaled her head in size. doctors guve all sorts of causes, but she kept growing worse. Upon the advice of Prof. Lattinioro. State Chemist, ho says, wo began to use War-ners Safe Cure, and to-day she ist ono of tho healthiest and most vigorous of KANSAS CITY E.
D. CROSSMAN (Brocton. N. was a victim, of annoying bladder disorder. He consulted a number or first-olnss physicians without benefit.
Ho suy3, I would gladly havo paid any physician $100 could he done what a few bottles ot Warner's Safs cure did for me. I continued! its use until I am thoroughly cured and am today perfectly free from all urinary troubles." BAL. S. W. STATES 746,789 THOS.
BEMISH (75 Hampflhire Buffalo, N. in 1331 contracted a cold whioh settled in his kidneys, and laid him up for some time. After using five bottles of Warner's Safe Cure, says. I have never had a return of the complaint and am to-day strung and well." SAN FBANCISCO 1,242,946 CAPT. W.
D. ROBINSON (U. S. Marine Buffalo, N. in 18S5 was suffering with a skin humor like leprosy.
Could not sloop was in great agony. For two years tried everything, without benefit. Was pronounced incurable. "Twenty bottles of Warnor's Safe Cure completely cured me, nnd tb-dny I am strong and' well. (Feb.
5, 1SS5.) BAL. PACIFIC COAST 732,316. Gen. Logan's Brarcry In Bottle. Chicago Herald.) "I was with Gon.
Logan all tbrough thoi war," said a military-looking man on tho rear end of a Madison street car lust evening, "and! in all that time I never saw him shrink in battle. I used to think Hancock led a charmed life, but Logan's contempt for singing and screeching lead was even moro pronounced than that of tho great West Point soldior. While the battle of Kenesaw Mountain was in progress I saw Logan ride at full speed iu front of our lines when tho bullets seemed to be falling thicker thun hail. Hare-headed, powder-stained, and his long black hnir fluttering In tho breeze, tho General looked like a mighty couquoror of medievul days. He did not know what danger was.
Standing upright in tho stirrups of bis saddle, I have seen him plunge to tho hoad of a charging column and bury, himself iu the smoke and flame of tho enemy's guns. A few moments before tho good Mc-Phcrson fell at Atlanta a shell burst within 20 foot of Gen. Logan. Turning to McPherson, who had bcon slightly stunned by tho explosion, Logan coolly remarked: 'General, they sceni to bo popping that corn for Twenty minutes later McPhorson lay bleeding on thu field, while Logan, who had assumed' command of tho troops, was hurling his battalions against tho enemy with the skill of a born soldior." Forty-eighth N- Y- Association. At tho last meeting of tho 18th N.
Y. Volunteer Veteran Association, held in Brooklyn, tho following officers were elected for tho ensuing year: President, Maj. Wm. J. Carlton; Capt.
Georgo W. Brush; Sec, Lorenzo Bond; James Dillon; Dr. G. W. Brush; Georgo L.
Stayley. Tho address of tb Secretary is 21-1 Halsey street, Brooklyu, N. Y. One of oar citizens who has traveled over the railroads between the Atluntla and Pacltlo many time, states tht the motion of the cars and the aotso frequently brought ou fits of headache and nausea to sucli a degree that could only be compared to the acoalesofsea-slckaess. lie had, however, recovered eatlrcly from a recurrence of tneso attacks by resorting to the frenont use of Gnwieaberg Pills; those pleasantry acted upon tbo stomach and regulated the liver, so that he was able at any tlmo to travel without Inconvenience.