Daily News from Los Angeles, California (2024)

a Jbim vr- -f -T -r v- -i -Wentt-toIiee; Saturday: Evening Radio vital; statistics Birth NOTICE OP UPON PROPOSED MARKETING FOR WHOLESALE BAKERS OP SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The Director of Agriculture, acting auant to the provision of The Processed ORDER pur-. Foodstuffs Marketing Aeb Ming Chapter 789, statutes of 1937. a amended by Chapter 10H. Statute of 1939. ha called a public hearing lor the purpose of receiving testimony end evidence from interested persons upon proposed Marketing Order For Wholesale Baker of South-, srn California.

Bald publle hearing will be held In the Assembly Hall of the California State Building, First tnf Broadway. Los Anseles, California which -Marius wiU- baain' at 10:00 a. Pacific Standard Tune, on Monday, April 15, 140. "WHOLESALE tlAKER" son encased in manufacturing means any per- 1 distributing ALEXANDER Mr. and Mr.

Henri. General hoaplUl. ARKKAOA Mr. and Mrs Vernon, Odeopathie hospital. BLOTTO Mr.

and Mra. Edmund Luclen, lrl, California hospital. I BROWN Mr. and Mra. William Trancls.

boy. California hospital. BRYAN Mr. and Mra. Halden Jennlnsa tirl-WHdilre hospital.

CLEMONS Mr. and Mra Woodrow Jen-nlnsa Blrl. Valley hospital. PARMER Mr. and Mra Edward Clifton, boy.

French hospital. PEROUBON Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Brooks. girl, Oood Samaritan hospital.

FITZGERALD Mr. and Mra Louis Richard, dri. Methodist hospital. QIBB Mr. and Mrs.

Roland Jemma. Bltl. Queen of Angela hospital. ORYPE Mr. and Mra Theodor Alfred, boy, Oood Bamarltan hospital.

HARMON Mr. and Mra Lawrence, boy. General hoepltal. JENNINGS Mr. and Mra Geora Lewla boy, Methodist hospital.

KELLY Mr. and Mra William Thomas, drl, Methodist hospital. KEY Mr. and Mr. Stephen Washburn, boy, French hospital.

KINO Mr. and Mra Homer, glrL General B07, boy. 1 IF. M. tupo-awing.

Irkd an nut, lpOX OnbMtrm. XHKntwtiiek oreh. KFVD Mm. Xn-Radio Dnmi Landmark. KECA Wir Photographer Talk.

KOER Latin Hour. KNX Console. Bill P. M. BUKO BOMt.

KOPJ Concert. KNX Neva. XECA Havana oreh. KMPC Neva. KFVD Serenade.

KFAO Book Review, Bill P. M. XPAO Gold Trail. XECA Radio Guild. KMPC Eve.

Rich School. KHJ Hawaii Call. KNX Kin arch. Newa. KRKD Race Raaulta.

hr KGER L. Estrada c-eh. KOPJ -Bonnhopper. XFI Cucat orcli. Bill P.

M. XPAO Kar Qordon. XFI Patent Celebration. KQPJ Muile. KMTR Melodies.

POX Tunes. KHJ Bona Pioneer. I P. M. KMPC Echoes.

KMPC Buccaneer. XNX Bporti. KMTR Melody. XECA "Know Tour Scho'tla." KHJ World Pair Party. KUER, KPWa.

XPAO- New JRKD Mnsle. PI Touth i. -Ace, V4 hr. OPJ luilaa Melody. 'Bill P.

M. Maurice orch. POX Education. MFC Roth orch. NX Music.

XMTR MUSIC. KOER Chosen TJiree. KPAC Sports Plash er. KFWB 8 trollin' Tout. Bill P- M.

XECA Ore best ra. KMPC Music Oraph. PI Traffic Tribunal. KuPJ Gold Hour. KRKD Ensemble.

XMTR Lite Payment. tt hr. KFGX Swine XNX Amer. Album. XPAO L.

A. Bar Aun. KOER Italian Journal. KFWB MIe Line. XHJ J.

Hughe. Bill P. M. KMX Bat. Serenade, tt hr XPAO Christian Selene.

-KPI Kin Cowboy. KMPC Community Chert. XECA Hccksher orch. KPWB Hermoaa Beach. KOER Italian Journal XMTR Newsreel.

KQPJ Rhythm. BUS P. M. KNX Noble arch. KOPJ Muds.

KHJ Bat. Nlsht Party. KPOX Orch. Bill P. M.

KPWB News. KPBO Pianos. KPOX Jasper orch. KMrc nawallan. KMTR Merry Go 'Round.

KGER Musle. KECA Nows KPI OrandOr Oory. Bi4S M. KNX hom*o Towner. KMTR Knsemblo.

KPWB Dance. KMPO Mewa. KPOX Christy orch. KPBO Pianist. KECA Grier orch.

ID P. M. KNX Jubilee, 1 hr. KFVD Jack. Bell Boy.

KPBO Band. KOPJ Masonic Dleert. KPI Mows. KPAC Melody. KECA Phil Harmanla.

KPWB Kallo orch. KPOX Greta to hr. KGra Newa KMPC Old Vienna oich. KMTR Johnson oreh. IBill P.

M. KPWB Dance. KPI Jr. Symphony. KOER Mae orch.

KPOX Robert orch. KMPO Bush oreh. (Bill P. M. KPI Goodman oreh.

KMTR Lope orch. KPWB Art Tatum. KECA Orchestra. KPOX Mude. KMPC Oreh.

IBi4l P. M. KPOX Hamilton oreh. TMTR Newsreel. KPWB Moon Made.

KPBO Son Makers KPWB Dane. KMPO Bars orch. KOKH Swing. II P. M.

KMTR Melody Lane. KPWB Bowlins. KFVD Jack. Bdlboy to I a. m.

KPOX Revue, 1 hour. KNX Orcan. KECA Oran. KPAC Henry orch. KPBO Bob.

Myrtle. KPI Nottlntham oreh. KMPC Bwlns, Quia 1 1 1 IB P. M. KPWB Dane.

KNX Oreh. ihii p. m. KNX Strand orch. KPI Loveland oreh.

1 1 i4B P. M. OF AC Musle. KMPO Danca KFOX Rhythm. KRKD father Plynn.

KHJ Command Perlor usance, V4 tyiur. I P. M. KPI Crosby orch. KMTR Mude.

KPAC Wilbur the Goat. KMPC Roth orch. POX Music. KOER Rcllsloui Rally. 1 hr.

KRKD KEC A I hr. lilfiP M. KNX Gen. Huh Johnson. KHJ Inside of Sport.

KMPC Hollywood Spotlit. KOER Swins KPWB Fiesta. KPAC L. A. Playground.

POX Music. KRKD 14 Tim. 111! P. M. KPWB Youth Demand Answer." hr KPI American Challenge.

KRKD Do You Know I KNX News. Mude. KPAC Dr. PIXleJd. KHJ Musle.

POX Music. KMTR Newsreel. Ii49 P. M. KNX Sports HuddlO.

KHJ Oro Fisher, POX Tunes. KM TR Newsreel. KPBO Almee MePberm 8 P. M. KPAC Music.

KPI Net. Barn Danca, 1 hr. KHJ Imperial Intrlgua. KPOX Music. KOPJ Music.

New. KNX Sky lasers." KMTR Theater Oroup. KMPC Mude. KOER New. KPWB Nat.

Concert. BUS P. M. KPI Keller orch. KMPC News.

KPWB Musical. KOER Boro orch. to Bill P. M. KECA Hall orch.

KNX Oanabuatera. KMTR Dance. KMPC Renard orch. KHJ Walsh orch. KPWB Rescue Mission.

KOPJ Music. KPOX Music. I P. M. KMPC Round Town.

hr KNX Hit Parade. hr. KPAC Magic Hour. KPI Am helm orch. KHJ-Air Newspaper KPWB Trotter orch.

KPOX New. KGER Danbe. KOPJ Jewish alternate 1 KMTR Music. KECA The Martian Club ICEALTtl STUDIOS La Urea Health' SPECIAL FOR WOMEN. 1339 N.

LA BBE NcwmgnL- Beaut, llollyd Studio foiSmT private. 1333 N. HIGHLAND. BE 7416 Dees DAILY PROM 10 TO stomo Health Studio AND THIS AD. HEALTH tHERAPYT S- tWt.

k. tel SSfflCT JLS.SS' Boyens, 975 S. Vermont. EX 8755 TRADE SCHOOL pBRBl. Ml WANTED MALX HELP Men! Sell the Bible with the sip Simplified Reference Index.

A demonstration means a wte. Bee Mr. Richard. L. B.

PRICE MERCANTILE 5604 a Broadway, MAN Will start you on a sood paying tea and coffee route. No oxpcrienc 1 quired. Complete equipment Juniahed. No investment. Immediate earninga.

Route Manager. 9-12 Bat. 1032 B. Orand MEN with ear needed lmm take over local tea nd eoffe routes. No Immediately eoffe re Oood income.

neiit connectioo with largo utlmSa Apply Route Mgr." 1547 NT Western. 9-12 HOLLYWOOD STUDIO Can uh 3 men now employed, train motion picture projection. Day er evw-1' Earn learning. Boa 175. News.

MAN for ou tilde aatetwork. Building ter Is Is. ONLY. capital required. MEN, lnexp.

for olgn work: to Steady. 515 required. 216 8. Vt I ermonL MAN gas )' B. Eslak.

perm. Ayeragsa S2i 901 S. Atlantia: Office 210. 1-4 MAN' start. to LrrsI Boy for coteb.

lea i. fun comm. Tran, furnished. QIC 52nd St SOLICITOR, man, for dry etaaning route. Apply 6004 Atlantic Blyd-BelL MAN for quarter Jk store, morning.

wara. 7706 Pountal Sving Avo 95 HALE EMPLOYMENT TBBdUQa INITEUCTION MEN who would llko to taka up air dltlonlng and elactrta rofrlgcratlen to better thenuelvea. Must ha mechanleaUy lnelinedr willing to train in apara time nr preliminary home study to auallfy for our praetienT shop training. Write PtlUtleg Institute, Box 12g New. WORK for Uneto Sam." S1260-t21M first in now Inatlons.

year. Men-women. Prepara now at boom lor next A examt eoschln full particular FREE Apply today. Eon II UK" 22-437 wk. to (tort for men wa have in air condition ins a re frig.

aba. piaee must be trained In pui shop grytotevJtLlmi 124 Newt. wa A-. 109 HELP WANTED FEMALE PIERCE SCHOOL PRACTICAL NURSING PraeUeal Boepttal Plan. 2.

Claiaroom Plan. 3. hom*o Study PlaA. All plan indorsed by tb American Trained Practical Nurses Association. Our graduate raeelra highest aalartes.

Operators Thoroughly experieneed on Setter -eo to ten dream and aportowear. Work lgiay 1,1 Operators ilaek sults und plup Eruerleneed on the. suite. RMy work. Good par.

1 Arxula 754 Bo. A. SL Ith fly. Operators THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCE) WEAR. GOOD WORKING Little-Martin.

425 E. End floor. hospital. MORRISON Mr. and Mrs.

Philip James, glrL Queen of Angels hospital. O'CONNOR Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Man- proposed Marketing Order. nine bar Oood Samaritan hospital.

At said hearlna the Director will receive. ur i torn rrsncls smon other things, testimony and vl- PETERSON Mr. and Mr. Mon rrancis, relative to lha accuracy and suf- glrL French hospital. ficiencv of lists of such wholesale PRESS Mr.

and Mrs. Ulrich Ludwig, boy, Queen of Angela hospital. RAMIREZ Mr. and Mra. John, boy, 13203 Mercer street.

ROUTH Mr. and Mrs; Elwln Hubert. glrL South Hoover hospital. SCHMIDT Mr. and Mrs.

John, ilrl General hospital. BCHOCKER Mr. and Mr. Herman Henry, boy, South Hoover hospital. Divorces Granted ALLEN Allie Mao from William Henry.

BAKEWELL May from Alonsa. BRADFORD Louise Austin fpom Benjamin. BYNUM Ida McVale from Marcus. CORRIOHAN Ruth LaVemo from Leslie. CUNEO Rena Jean from Joseph Francis.

DAVIS Hilda X. from Ralph C. DeORAPPENREID Ruth M. from Elbert B. GREEN Nina M.

from Leslie P. HALES Clara H. from Charles S. HANLEY Madolyn B. from James C.

HAZELTON Rhsva Mae from William F. HELLMAN Florence M. from Irvins H. HYDE Jo D. from Mlnnli E.

JOHNSON Dorothy A. from Fred T. LaGRAND Robert from Louise. LEE Mary from Edward Leroy. LICKSON Rose from Rubin.

LOPEZ Delflna from Jde. LYTLE Marie A. from Thomas B. MAXWELL Freids O. from Alim X.

MILLARD Mao Martarite from Marion. MO ELLE Louts A. from Estelle. MORQAN Lenore Pauline from James O. NAPIER Eva from Esau.

NICHOLS Marie L. from Homer L. RANEY Winifred from Herbert. RANOEL Josephine from Richard. REECE Ruth Ernest from Rex R-ROBERTS Virginia C.

from Guy Wayne. ROSEN Bertha from Harry. ROTHAS Helen Pern from William A. BUPPIN Viola M. from Benjamin R.

THOMSON Savannah from James. WILLIAMS Helen E. from Lawrence R. WOLFSON Lens from Louis. BRAVOS Edith E.

from John J. CORRIGAN Christie A. from Terrence V. Marie O. from John D.

CURTNER Mae from Charles H. I DA VIS Mary Elisabeth from Beatrice C. DIXON Stella P. from Williim. Los Angeles.

Orange. Riverside. Ban Ber-: nsrdino. and Ventura. Btate of, California, 1 would be affected by the provisions of said ficiency of Hit of uch whdejale bkr now on 111 in the offices of the Director and 10 testimony and evidence upon the following matters: (a) Whether present conditions In the processing or marketing of baking product tend to deceive the purchasing public, develop monopoly, imped free and open competition or decrease the consumption of superior qualities of ouch footrtuff.

Whelber the proposed Marketing Order will tend to (I) eliminate the use of unfair practices and the sale of baking products below cost: 12) prevent the deception of the purchasing public and the development of monopoly: (31 promote free snd open competition: and (4)' encourage the consumption of iu per lor qualities of such baking products. (cl Whether the proposed Marketing Order will tend to result in the efficient snd orderly marketing of such baking products and In the use of more economic method of distribution. (d) Whether the proposed Marketing Order will adequately protect the interests of consumers end will not result In the undue enhancement of prices paid by consumer of such baking product. (e) Whether the proposed Marketing Order will not be detriments! to or Injur the Interest of producer within this Stale who mv be fleeted by the provision of such Marketln Order. All Interested persona aro cordially Invited to attend and participate In this bearing.

W. B. PARKER. Director of Agriculture. (Sealed with the Seal ef the State DenarU.

tf Signed) men of Agriculture) W. J. KUHRT. W. J.

Kuhrt, Associate Chief Bureau of Market. NOTresponsiMc gfisPlffiP Southland shows its horn of plenty tt-ooxm OOXN8 OP rHB WORUDaofd aad home hi. Koeppol Com Shoo, 3QS WTiBt cor; My 17 WANTED DIAMONDS ANB JEWELRY OLD GOLD BOUGHT HIOHE8T PRICKS for old sold. Conn elslOold Refining 0TTB4 8. Spring, 28 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION O.

OATLEY. retired efal. 30 yr. exp. 234 N.

igratlra olfl-8i MU SS93. vF'- In most cases News Want Ad readers something TODAY. it your or sendee MEDICAL PILES sad eiher KECYAL DI9EARES. LATEST METHOD assarcs relief wlthawt BliaOEKY toss ef time. PRES EXAMINATION.

WALTER M. BROWN, M. STAFF Entire Sixth Fleer Cult Bide. 700 S. HILL ST.


NO SURGERY WsMermsn, urine and all tests made. FREE CONSULTATION LOW PEES E. E. Hastes, M.D., aad Sta.f 411 Vest 7 th St TR 1886 9th Plow Warner Bro. Bldg.


0. 7th fir. Washington Bldg. 3rd a Bpring. 81.00 CLINIC 709 EL 9th St.

Blood, Urtnair. Premarital Exam. An toeta. Leweit fees. 8 car 9 Jk Ban PedrOL Hr.

9-1. SPECIALIZING diseases men. women to-dividual attention. Approved methods. Low fees.

Discuss earn Ires 10-S Sunday 10-1. 17 year at 307 B. Hill. Suite 702. ALL CASEY.

ALL ShrSdan Jb 'Sursebi Prn-marltol tarts. ufte 500 115 8. HiU Hour 10-0 dsUT ft 1 Ih a MsB-Woaaen, troo naa 9 1 t1Ullt 304 a Bdwy. Rm. 3H.

CUNIC 5710 S. Hoover Premarital asama. Blood. kln. urlnsry dl Low fees.

URINARY BLOOD SKIN QLAND Lew fee. All tee*ts. 1090 N. Wertern. Rm.

12 -surg. i Suite from work. 305. 410 W. 0.

TR 34B9. BENTIglBI ilrad white walk or remada PLATES reptlr Crowns, filling. 30 So. DI8EA5ES OP WOMEN Dr. Lolls Northrup.

Physical Medicine. Disorder Women, t-fl. 2000 Wetrn.RE 4307 MATERNITY HOSPITALS 930 Norm, deltv Phy. a Sara, tod ants, blood ft srlnary taste. X-rsy We operate our 3 eonv.

loc. own NEW Loin. Natan aacr. OsU PA gift. 1501 W.

Adam. 50 10 day hotp. a ears: normal' terms. 412 W. 6th.

Rm. 222. TP 7059. 65 NORMAL delivery, prenatal and 10 day In modern Hollywood heap. WE 0101.

60 NORMAL deliver Phy. a eurxcon. 5. 10 4a: MATERNITY BPEC1AU9TS MODERATE PEE TERMS HOSPITAL OR YOUR HOME 2806 Western. 2-0 p.

m. RE 4307. PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS Disease of Men ft Women, all torts. Low fees ind. medicine.

Exam. free. Xstab. of-ficet. 216 Dmiflat cor.

3 A Spring. 89 CHIROPRACTORS Rheiimatiim Palnlm trt. Pro ean-nneumaunn aull 103l Bdwy. Rm. 639.

FOOT MANIPULATION Hiirf Foot eometloa trtmta. Ali reel Iiurtr eanditlana. OUST. TrtmL 48 HEALTH AIDS CHIROPRACTORS THELMA WALKER. Dl eaioaica.

10 to 0 p.m. 205 S. Wet tern. Ml Lorraine, mgr. CHlEOFSACTlC CLINIC RATLEDOB.

232 B. HUL MU .9772. MEDi clinic 50c week. Prlvnto. SIJo i TPRRISR BATHS wee Qata.

a aa llsi wonder fat treaf snte 111 9 SawPedra 61 TRANSPORTATION LOW RATtS-ALL POINTS UNION PACIFIC STAGES 451 S. MAIN MI 1146 Lowest Fares Evsrywhurs City Ticket Offica. 515 8. Spring. TP 6246 52 MOVING TRUCKING STORAGE, HOUSEHOLD MOYIRG STORAOR.



ESTAB 1909. CE 2446L ilolden State Termite Co. IuUy licensed. 2116 B. La Proa Inspect.

I Brea. WH 001, 74 PETS WANTED Want U-UKALTH STUDIOS Ilnlnwia Open Mn. Brn 10-S P. to. 1161CI1 8 MJlrt Ave Arcadia.

STUDIO formerly sllill West fth Bt. now at 946 Crenshaw Blvd. WH 9265. Westers Grays System HE 2289. ti55 FAROAKS JS nu wa kKALliri'i'UD: 429 Sl BPRWO ST.

7919 -l IIImK REW MANAGEMENT. Isa it ine 4412 s. western. New "flggTOWgjVg MARILYN HEALTH CfltTKR epen tul jnld-nlte. 7547 Santa Monica Blvd.

HI 2990, iti. CsJU Hra 9 to 7. 515 to Ml I19A1U alftW South Paeadena, Downtown fXTJSf. IG16 Melrose calMO 11609 HEALTH For appointment Finnish gffWg Fsnglows Health Thomas Tho 223 Union Lea lomaa S- ClneLhnlm HOURS 10-6. 627 Pramoot oiocknoim Bcuth Pamdena.

coidtuatis SAYTgjS. Alameda nff'ff 23 Houra 10-1. 192 B. Alameda In Burbank. Ilinns Health Studio, 126 1IIIPB 8 Manlca Blvd.

Santa 1 New Personnel NrUtn Santo Monica. HOW OF KM 1791k VERMONT ATX. Houra; 19 uM.to9 9.rn. I071S.IIdwy ERLANDS HEALTH INBTtTXTTE aonneL expert cervlco. 1257 w.

1. NETHERLANDS SE. New perwmneL expert eervteo. 1257 W. I M.uilii Oeew.J Health Studio.

44 i 5 I lYPwiy wpwnpa lhl gun. GRADUATE NURSE ANY CASE. PUNBKT. Room 201. OL 1361.

5657 HU Health Studio Sandras Wmn 88 4l 89 99 in a or selling baking products to a retailer. chain store, store, hotel, restaurant or eating establishment, and Includes a distributor. bob-tailer or any person who purchases baking products from the manufacturer and aella to a retailer, chain Store, store, hotel, restaurant or eating establishment, but dors not Include (Da baker who manufactures baking products on the premise for consumption on such premises, such as hotels, restaurjuita or eating establishments: 12) a baker who exclusively manufactures baking product for sale or distribution through a retail outlet er restaurant owned er operated exclusively by him. Wholesale Baker' shall not ln-efude Retail Store Baker" or "Retailer." BAKINO PRODUCTS" mean any and all types of bread or rolls, excepting French. Latin or Jewish Breads.

All wholesale bakers, as defined above, who carry on business In the Counties of Nd ag "Bla Q5T ACQUAINTED A WORTH-WHILE SWEETHEART: age. Many wealth 8lmpson. Box 1251. Denyer. kuam FREE hot dogs with every bottle of beer Bcyntrsl: 2 FOR 25.75 Jl lrCS Factory blemished.

Any rtn. 1622 9. HiU rtneo 1912. WHOLESALE and retail hoe with 35 yrs. capable taklnj Jill desire position, local rate.

OR 9649 nivf Sac. before Wed. Lsree besuUful llllMy dlam. 22. Cost 9105.

CR 6346S DENTAL or Optonetetl of let rmt rras. Prod. flrH new bldg. 3514 Eaglo Rk. Blvd.

InlroduciMM IBSti. SiTJjmSt Problems disease healed the CTirlrt Way. Dr. Marla Pence. AX 25535.


8pm. ojlwW Terms. HearwelL 15 s. Hia YOUNG man will drive to Chicago lor fare. Call AD 9713.

Apt. 4. LADY, 45 (Calhollcl. with seek gentleman acauslnt. Bog 126.

New. VaanMls pep (choie PiSCOriS aetee.) Lots of fun. HO 1119 JEWISH cnluaiv club Matrimony, Introduction Personal. BO 9666. Box 359.

Mewl. Gravel and crypt In all local anted eemttcrlM 727 W. Washington. EaItHWOBM PARM9 Earthworm Farms IT PieUtcL 34oi RABBIT BBINS WANTED llalilii mini wanted. Big demand.

112 ItRDDIt SUM rord Traanor. AN 4656 AlTO TRAVEL 4 SHT Congenial party In new ear. RftJR3 A Take 2 or 3 share expenses. 747 8. HOPE.

MA 5319. BUSINESS man driving to Y. 40 Chrya-kr. tsk3Rrfi. MA 5561.

Ml 5304 WlteA CHICAOO. Detroit. Oma -private party. TB 420. MgT NEW SEDAN XA Ivl S1P Taka 2 or share far: '40 OLDS drtare and BAHT Traveling GOING EAST, take 1 share.

Call TR 6574. er man drlvlng new car. Take 2 or 1 ahar expenses. MU 941B. Prlv.

party, new Mdan to Cliicayo. Ilroil via Omaha. Take 3. sharp. MU 9563, PRIV.

party drlvin la exchanoea. MU 9II63. drlvin to New York. Ref. EAfh Yo in coupl drlvin new seden.

Take me er tws help share. VA 971. Private party drivino to new YORK. REFS. EXCHANGED.

MU 9555 East 40 Firm. Any route: take 2 or Friv. Kferenrn. Phone MI 9241. '39 POWTIAC fur Denver Monday morulug Call MUtuai 55.

PRIVATE party driving to Missouri via Oklahoma City. 31 Dalton. KO 1323. Prlv. party, toko 3 pass- ahara litlM expenaea.

TB 9633. DRIVINO to Naw prlv. Party. Uka 1 or 1, ahara. any route.

TR 5616. TRANHPORTATION WANTED TWO PEOPLI wIlL SHARE XXPZNSI FOR RIDS KART. MI 9241. Is 88 or Operators id an epeelal marhlnd jk-ni suH-Hilch and over lock. Day-lUe, modern factory.

2429 B. Mam, let ftow1 OTBHI iIauw nrmiNTWa TRAIN 1HQ. Experienced bllnd-atiteh banket la fairly bursting its seams warmest winter on record. monthly pamphlet compiled by the agriculture department of the chamber of commerce and published by the board of supervisors. Orange shipments from South- em California durii the four weeks ending March 23 were 1354 cars greater than the four year average, while prices were 12 cents higher than a year ago and 2 cents higher than two years ago.

The lemon market showed a sharp decline due to heavy supplies and improved health conditions in the east, the report indicated. Avocado growers suffered, despite a good crop, because the unseasonable weather last fan concentrated the harvesting season. lettuce "hipmentsfrom Imperial valley were concluded in March but got under way in Santa Barbara, Kern and Ventura counties. Tomatoes in Los Angeles county were reported in fine condition, but the market was complicated by shipments from Imperial valley. Celery was expected to be harvested here in the nest two weeks.

As for the field crops, alfalfa prices weakened somewhat during March as supplies increased; the bean market ranged from steady to slightly lower; 1,000,000 bushels of flax were maturing ln Imperial valley, and sugar beet plantings were nearly completed and the crop making satisfactory progress, the' report said. The livestock situation was little changed in March from tho previous month, particularly hog prices, whlclv tailed to show improvement despite nationwide pork selling campaign by major 1 packers. 9 JAPANESE DENOUNCED SAN FRANCISCO, April 5. (UP) The China War Relief Association of America tonight cabled a resolution to the central government at Chungking denouncing the Japanese sponsored Chinese regime undr Wang Chlng Wei and proclaiming its continued support of Generalissimo Chiang Kal Shek. I Southern California's huh food jJth products of the soil after the (Highly beneficial rains combin- I with the moderate tempera-ires have matured crops several eks ahead of normal and matured them in good condition because neither wind nor frost did any damage.

Such was the birds-eye picture of southland agriculture during March, aa reported in a 3n Memorial aervlco for the following have baen or are being arranged. For time of services and ether details. the Indicated funeral director. BAGWELL. Rom Lee Annin.

Pbrc Brsliiir BUTLER, Susia Meatsray Park, Pitre, grtOwri CHRISTIAN. Clara Las Aaielta, Pitre, Britktrt COLE, Martha Lit Austin, Pitre arclktri DALE, Mary Ellen Lee Aiitin, Pim BrtUitrs DANIELSON, Eric H. Let Austin, Pim Brrthtr FULLER, Nelli Let Annin, Pierce Srrtlitra GREENWAV, Nellie G. Let Asfrtn. Pnrte Brithire HOPKINS, Carol Joan Let Audit, PMiva BrsHure JANES, Robert B.

Let Aifdit. Pltrca BrdlMrt JORDAN, Elva J. Lot AihM, Pitre irillMrw KELLY, Baby Jamaa Ln Atdn. Pim Brrtfttr NATHAN, Hattie M. Lea Atidn, Plera Biwlher 1 PRESSPIRCH, Edena La Asidna Pitne SreUm RECTOR, Harvey A.

La As(dn, Pitne grthurt SHERMAN, Dorothy Lai Anttln, Pitre Brrtken SIMMONS, Frank Edward Altawbra, Pltrca Brtlkwt STEWART, Oliva O. (Ray) La tiplis PI tret Srrtkw STRATHY, Harry Let Audit, Pkno Brrtktr WALTER, Fanny L. Let Anidtt. Pltree Brttfctrt WRAY, John Hiltywnd. Pierce Brtlktrt WYKOFF, Lucy Ann 6k AUMwkrs.

Plerm Srrtktn 1 Hear MANCHESTER BODDY SoLHHf-xSdnt oSmi. PARKAS David X. Barry from Jewell G. GALVAN Rutile from Alicia Fernandes de. OARNIER Margaret Naylor from Edward.

GILLEN John A. from Ruby Alice. OOP ADZE Louise W. from Leon I. GRIFFITH Ruth Mary from John X.

HALE D. from Annie M. HAMM Harry H. from Evelyn L. MeKENZIE Oeorgc P.

from Winifred J. MOORE Gurtha Margaret from Charles A. PATTERSON Helen P. from Lewi H. patne wills Mae trom.Lesmon.

simpson Flossie from Pirn. SMITHERS Claud Ell from Martha Bibb. STANLEY Gladys from Clifford. WILDY Oeorgc John from Elsora. Divorces Filed ABERT Richard W.

vs. Elsie. BELL Nellie v. John. BRA8HEAR Opal K.

William H. BROOKIN OS Helen vs. Prank. CLARK Joseph a v. Prances T.

CLARKE Audrey A. vs. Thomas P. DKK TOR Betty vs. Maurice.

FOLSOM Susie M. vs. Xdr. GOLDEN Dorothy V. Eugene L.

GORDON Owendolm D. vt. Edward X. Jr. HAYS Xu la P.

v. Manford M. HOLSONBACK Helen E. v. Bernard L.

IRONS Fielding v. Emma. MCALLISTER Jeanne M. ve. R.

JL MORRIS Jean D. vs. Robert D. OWEN Vlrgle v. John H.

PLEWX Helen M. vs. Gordon 8. H. POINTER Bernic v.

Henry M. ROBERTSON Alta M. vs. Fred W. SALAZAR Margaret ve.

Mike. SMITH Eugenia va. Oliver W. TURNER Dorothy J. v.

Archie L. WARICK Georgette O. vs. Austin. WHITFIELD Charles v.

Myrtle. YOUNG DeLane E. va. Theodor J. Intention to Wed ALLEN-VICK W.



V. A. 31. BROS8-ROTH H. 30.



43. V. E. 20. DYE-MORRIBON -W.

L. 20. P. E. 10.



X. 46. 1. 41. HOPPMAN-SW ANSON C.

X. 24, J. C. 21. KRONQUI8T-8TANEK R.


28. M. X. 26. NELSDN-MURPHY R.

W. 28, N. P. 30. NIETO-OONZALES-J.



21, R. IS PAUB-SCHMIDT P. 23. E. P.


2. L. 21. 8HAPIRO-MANNB B. M.


K. 34, L. H. 43. TROXEL-LOOP C.


2. C. C. 19. WALTON-WATER8 A.

22, J. 27. WOELPEL-BVANB a. 27. R.

A. 27. MWMwaaa 8 JFUNftlAL DIKSCIOBa PIERCE BROTHERS WABHPIOTOM ST. PR 6126 no w. 15 LOST AND FOUND DOO ENGLISH SETTER loet, black and white female, vicinity Orlfflth Fk.

Vermont cnlrane. 9 a.m. Friday. PHONS NO. ON TAP.

MO 12372. Reward. iw, vn inw nv DOG small police. BPUD. black body, aray leas.

Riantrrar leg twUchcs. Still tick. Reward, PL 1433. Doe Mixed, female, wire hair, wh. brn I snort leg and toil.

Reward. AX 1233 IXXl Toy Boston bull, brlndle. male. IS wk. old.

"Weewr." Reward. VO 375. LOST Annual psu A267M S. P. Co.

for Harry X. LaPraUl. Finder notify A. V. Anderson, agent H.

P. Co. N. Spring. SI PERSONALS LONELY? WYlto Sereoaland Corvespondenog Club.

O. Bo 220. Hollywood LONEBofilE? Confidential inlroducUon. t'Ll'B ELITE, Box 71-1. Main P.

A. LONELY Want (weothenfL husband. Many rich Box 765 Ban Pernsnds. Call If. (Ilf.

I COMPL. doetat's decree Blvd. Hope In physiotherapy, LTaLgOrt.1 17478, Atm 6m. sing la needle Jb band shirt. 3616 B.

San PVdro. PAPER BOX BTA KEYBTONg PAPER YERS. JEXPERIENCBliL IBOXCOllSOJic 126 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Coopoatlv dairy offer eincpt. 1th KB0 to biveat, 5071 Santa Montes to invert, $25 week its Montes blvd. PARTNER Burlap hags.

capital. Money eee. 0 15 B. Alameda. TWgnoXev 129 HEIRS LEGATEES 186 MONEY TO LOAN Loan $100 to $20,000 I a jag MA 9161 HI 1133 lit or 2nd Mtg.

$100 A Up B8ii Anchor Loan Co. 197 H. HIU 1 9th Floor Foreman Bldg. Suite 929 1th HIU St. in LA.

Cemparaaur raise heforp HOW yea borraw. MONEY LOAN CO, 219 W. ITH ST. RM. 206.

TU 613d. NATURE. LOAN 704 B. Sprint. 2nd Floor SIMPLIFIED LOANSL OuJeC 2(1 TO 500 LOANS ANC.

ffilf tfi! i pop p. MU, ay Wfi WHEN YOU 'NEED MONEY FEE DONALUHOlf. 2212 8. PRueroa. PR 371.

BORROW an Furniture, Car gr.Characlrr. pint Industrial Loan. 653 B.1 Spring Ht. 185-REAL ESTATE LOANS PRIVATE MONEY PREB APOralaal DISTRICT. 649 Bovte Are.

AN 9119. 151 UUTELS 63 Wk. oomf. outside me. Spec, manthly rates.

Hotel MlwourL 916W W. 4th sC 625. MO Room with bath and shower. LAFAYETTE. 2731 Beverly Bird.

HOLLYWOOD 61 DAY. 44.10 wk. Hotel rm. AU carpeted apt. 69 week.

6616 Irxtngton, 152 FOR RENT ROOMS 62. nnall (rent rm. OentlemsB.wref. Hear. 62 N.

Alexandria, aouth of Melraee. 63.56 63.50 oil. earJSSanMjJOjnjjJP 155-UOU8EKEEPING ROOMS a TfapfeMiVTat rt sa st. ss avpftUfga re Deaths ANDERSON Ella C. ARCHIBALD Albert B.


CALVIN Ella. CLARK Alice J. H. CROMON Alexandra Y. CULVER George P.

PRATELLO Kate. GLENN-Wlniel. OUNN Jessie C. HANBKN Elisabeth. HEB8IAN Daniel.

LLOYD Anne K. E. MARTINEZ Albert R. McGOWAN Lynn E. MOSER Albert F.

OHNELLES Manuel, BBW ELL Rush 1L SIMONE Jcteph..

Daily News from Los Angeles, California (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.